pecked polish


May 25, 2021
I am a new chicken owner. We have 6 chickens of mixed breeds (polish, wyandotte, ameracuana, marans, barnevelder, orpington) all female and 2.5 months old. About 2 weeks ago we noticed that the polish chicken was missing some feathers on her head. We thought that she had injured it by running into a chair since I saw her do it and she was shaking her head for bit after. But I didn't think anything other then that she is a wack-a-do and they are too funny until it was bloody the following day.

I immediately did some research and realized that the flock was now pecking her. We separated her in a rabbit cage within the coop and treated her with vetericyn. She healed nicely except for the broken feathers (pictures shows 2nd day separated). We kept her separated for about a week and a half except for when they free ranged. They stay in their coop/run (6ft x 18ft) most of the time due to abundant predators in our area and we let them free range while we watch them for about 30 minutes/day. While they free ranged I kept a close watch and none of the chickens pecked her at all. They all treated her as they treated each other.

After 1.5 weeks, no issues while free ranging, redness gone and feathers flopping over broken feather shafts so not much of a bare spot we decided to allow her back into the run with the rest of the flock. We checked on her after 1.5 hours and found her bloody and pecked at again. I am at a lose as to what to do. We got these chickens as pets/bonus egg producers and this one is my daughters. She will be devastated to lose her.

Is this fixable? Will this be an ongoing problem? I was so surprised that the pecking resumed so quickly. Is it because they are bored in the run.....they should have plenty of room. I know they will get eaten if we let them free range full time as our neighbor does that and looses half to all of theirs each year to predation depending on the abilities of their rooster.


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I have had luck with BluKote spray on pecked areas in my polish chickens in a mixed flock. I spray at any first signs of pecking. Watch to see that it is helping prevent it. In some cases it may attract more pecking, but I always had good luck with it. Pine tar, which is greasy, could also be used to discourage pecking. The bad odor of the tar may also help.

This is a common problem with polish chickens in mixed flocks. I would not separate unless it is severe because separating will cause more pecking when they return. My polish would be pecked in the head feathers about once a year. I sprayed every 2 days at the first site of pecking. If it isn’t done right away, the whole head will become bald and bleeding.
Thank you. Have you only used the BluKote or have you used the Pine tar too? Did you have broken feathers and bleeding? As that happened within 2 hours of reintroduction.
I have a Polish that when we got her was missing HALF of her head feather--they said they didn't know who was pecking her. :rolleyes: Now 6 weeks later, she has new feather growth and is doing well. We also used BluKote on her as we didn't know if we had bought the bully or not--but it looks as if we didn't bring her home. We only used BluKote for a couple weeks.

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