Pecked wing- Bone showing ***GRAPHIC*** PLEASE HELP!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 14, 2012
I have made a very costly newbie mistake. :'( We bought one full grown hen and attempted to integrate her with our full grown flock of four. It went terribly. We were hesitant to remove her because we didn't want the whole process to start over, so we used blue kote on her wound and let her stay with them. One of our hens (the dominant one) just kept getting more and more agressive. THe next thing we know, the new hen had a huge gaping peck wound on her wing. We promptly removed her from the coop, and she now free ranges around the coop and run in our fenced in back yard. We feel alright with the current living situation and hope that being around the other chickens but not able to be pecked by them is the best way to integrate her. The problem is the wound.

A good inch- maybe two- of bone is showing. Being inexperienced, I thought that just keeping an antiseptic on it would fix everything. I was very wrong. :( The skin has healed around it, leaving the bone out in the open. I'm wondering if we need to amputate. There is not enough skin to stitch together over the bone. Here are some pictures. The pink thing is the bone, the yellow is the flesh around it. I believe the majority of the exposed bone is around a joint.

I should add that she is acting fine. She is pretty skittish, but other than that she runs around, eats drinks etc. She is not laying right now, however.

PS: Please don't ream me for letting this happen. I have learned my lesson and I plan to be much more thorough in my research before I integrate any other chickens into my flock. I already feel AWFUL and I am angry with myself. :( I would prefer not to cull her as my son has named her (Darth Vader lol) and she is his favorite.

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No Worry's things like this happen to all of us. Is her wing in the normal position? If so then I would think that if the wound is cleaned and dressed daily then new skin will grow over. My brother cut a hole in his thumb once, yes an actual hole and new skin grew right in to fix it.
I guess I could try...althought it has been this way for some time, unfortunately. I'm worried I've gone too far past the point where the skin could regrow. :(
I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by past the point the skin could regrow? I mean completely new skin growing in.
I guess I was just worried that since the wound wasn't fresh anymore it wouldn't regrow. It looks to me like the skin has already healed, but left the bone out in the open. Thank you for your advice.
yes i agree a visit to the vet is a great idea! if that's not possiable for whatever reason, start her on antibiotics adap id use a general antibotic like LA 200 , its a liquamycin in injectable give small birds 1/4 cc once daily for 5 days large birds 1/2 cc. this will help with infection. use a good spray to keep it clean like vetercine or similar. start the antibiotics soon. hope this helps.
It looks like it is scabbing up well but I do agree that she needs to be on an antibiotic to prevent further infection (it looks like it already is now). The wound also needs to be cleaned and dressed to help the skin heal, that will prevent stuff getting trapped in the wound and aggravating it more. You will need to change the bandages once a day. And if there no improvement definitely get her to that vet. I would also watch her behavior and make sure she is acting herself. Hope she gets better soon!
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Thank you for the help everyone. I will get on the antibiotics and bandage right away.

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