pecking order not clear!


Sep 21, 2020
Bergen County New Jersey
Hi All - I know I am posting WAYY too many threads because I am new with chickens and I am so absolutely smitten and fascinated with them. Been reading up (on forums here and articles in different places) on pecking order. I have four hens. Everyone says that there is one at the top, I have read that there is also always a "sentinel" or a "look out" bird, and the rest are just cosy being low or middle of the pack. I can't for the life of me figure out who the top B in charge is! I could have sworn Fancy Pants (one of the buffs) was the boss. But one day out of nowhere, Butternut our other buff, was pecking at FP and chasing her away from all the food bowls and dirt baths..and from then on it seems like she is the boss. BUT then Nelly (our kind-of sickly looking and reclusive leghorn who seems terrified of everything) will put Butternut right in her place if she goes near her food or if she has something Nelly wants. Then there is Franny who is my BFF when I am in there cleaning the coop - sits on the roost and stares at me. I went out with a flashlight tonight to see where they roost. They are all four on the same roost but it is Butternut on the outside, then Franny the leghorn, then Fancy Pants the buff and then lastly Nelly the skittish leghorn on the other end. That doesn't seem at all to make sense of the "cushy spots" on the pecking order, but I must say, there is no real clear head boss! Daily I change my mind on who I think it is! Any thoughts? I love all you guys and your wisdom - you will probably all wish I never found this group but I really appreciate you all so much!
The pecking order isn’t always obvious. It’s not a big deal on who is boss especially with hens it’s even more complicated as they are always changing who’s on top of the pecking order and who’s on bottom. And it’s understandable that you are posting so many threads. Everyone is happy to help with any questions
I understand you completely! I spent hours just watching them trying to figure out the pecking order. It was just so frustrating for me to not be able to figure it out. But, what I've learned is the pecking order is fluid. Orpy has been at the top since pullets and after raising chicks for 11 weeks seems to have come back to take her throne. It took a week or so to settle back in but no skirmishes really happened. Then there was a second in line, Orpy's sidekick (side note: she was top hen while Orpy was off raising her chicks but graciously fell back to second once Orpy was back. Really neat to see!). Eggers has always been the bottom. But the middle is always shifting. I guess I'm trying to say don't drive yourself crazy. It will surely change right after you have gotten it down😜
I understand you completely! I spent hours just watching them trying to figure out the pecking order. It was just so frustrating for me to not be able to figure it out. But, what I've learned is the pecking order is fluid. Orpy has been at the top since pullets and after raising chicks for 11 weeks seems to have come back to take her throne. It took a week or so to settle back in but no skirmishes really happened. Then there was a second in line, Orpy's sidekick (side note: she was top hen while Orpy was off raising her chicks but graciously fell back to second once Orpy was back. Really neat to see!). Eggers has always been the bottom. But the middle is always shifting. I guess I'm trying to say don't drive yourself crazy. It will surely change right after you have gotten it down😜
No I love this tho! So fun to hear everyone else's stories too! I love Eggers and Orpy being sidekicks. My Nelly seems to protect Fancy Pants from when Butternut is mean to her LOL. So, the low guy on the totem pole, how do you know? Also, do you have a sentinal? a "look out patrol" gal?
The pecking order isn’t always obvious. It’s not a big deal on who is boss especially with hens it’s even more complicated as they are always changing who’s on top of the pecking order and who’s on bottom. And it’s understandable that you are posting so many threads. Everyone is happy to help with any questions
aw thanks so much! Chicken raising - how the heck did I not know I wanted to do this for the past 55 years of my life?!?!?
No I love this tho! So fun to hear everyone else's stories too! I love Eggers and Orpy being sidekicks. My Nelly seems to protect Fancy Pants from when Butternut is mean to her LOL. So, the low guy on the totem pole, how do you know? Also, do you have a sentinal? a "look out patrol" gal?
Orpy and Pinky are sidekicks and Eggers is lowest. She is mild and submissive and the smallest of the flock. Super sweet girl❤️
I guess I've never paid much attention to who was actually watching out. I just know they make a ruckus when hawks are near! Now Orpy was super super attentive when her chicks were little so maybe it's her? And I am also just enamored with this whole chicken raising thing. Hubs is the one who got the chickens and I did not like them when they were in our house. But I just adore all my girls now😍😍
When I only had four hens, it was harder to see the pecking order. They all mostly just got along normally, without any clear order. Two died off, and I added 8 more this year. NOW there is a very clear pecking order, with my two original girls ruling the flock. Between those two, I’m still not sure who is the very top, since they still behave as one. But everyone below them has a very obvious place of order, that I can easily see.

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