Pecking order or aggressive breed?


Feb 14, 2017
I have 3 chicks that are 4 weeks old- RIR, Buff Orp, and a Cucko Maran. I watch them a lot cuz they are so cute and I like to see how they interact. In the past few days, the Maran has started lurching at the other two, picking at their feathers, pecking their beaks, and generally bothering them. The Maran is the most vocal and active and it even lurches at me once in awhile. Oh yah- she's also a tad bigger then the others. Is this the flock establishing the pecking order or is the Maran a jerk?

I would say it's the pecking order starting to show itself. I have a silver laced wyandotte that is larger than all the others and is also a picker/ pecker at the other hens. I hate it and hate to see it. I want to swoop in and protect the others. But is not the chicken way :)

My hens are 9 going on 10 months old and this behavior didn't really start until about 6-7 months of age. Keep eye on her/ them...

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