Pecking order


7 Years
Aug 16, 2012
My question: how do you tell the pecking order? My 6 girls are 1 year old - no rooster. I spend a lot of time with them observing their patterns and I see none in terms of who gets to the treats first, positions on the roosts, coming in/going out first, pecking etc. Is it possible that it's so subtle and well-worked out that it's just not apparent to the human observer? (I haven't seen them reading any Marxist philosophy...)
you may be one of the lucky ones that doesn't have pecking order problems. Usually the alpha chicken feeds first, takes the best position on the roost, and muscles to the head of the line when treats are given out.
My older flock is very similar, you would be hard pressed to figure out their order, but they do have one. And it's not much different with my current flock of 6 month old youngsters. They've worked it out long ago so daily life runs pretty smooth. It's when these two groups get together to free range in my pasture that you see who is dominant etc., they are still working things out when they are one big group, though scuffles are very minor.

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