Pecking/Picking Question


5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
I have 3wk old chicks and its a mixed variety or cochin, polish, barred rock,ect. Well, I noticed tonight two of my polish had another chick peck at some of their head feathers. Each only had it happen once but all my polish chicks are growing their new feathers on their heads so you can see pink and Im curious if everyone thinks that the pink will be ok? Or if it will attract the attention of the others and they will end up hurt? If maybe there is something that I need to put on them to keep the others away from their heads. Now I want to add that all the chicks have been preening one another so no one was vicious with them or I would have separated immediately, and no one has drawn blood or bloody. Just their pink little skin is showing. What would you do?? Leave it be, its natural and they will be fine? Or protect those little heads??? lol Thanks in advance for all the help!
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Polish are kind of notorious for getting picked on, especially for getting their crests pulled. I've only had 1 Polish, and my Silkies (another crested breed, I might add) plucked him bald.

You could pick up some Blu-kote and spray their heads. Prevent any picking before it starts. It can't hurt. Or you could use a more wait and see approach, they may not bother them much at all.
If you use the Blu-kote, be careful not to get it on you (especially don't use it when its windy). It stains terribly. Trust me, I was sporting purplish freckles for a while :oops:
Yeah, I noticed everyone in the brooder has some pink and bare somewhere on them happening. But they are all preening a lot and getting a lot of feathers. But when i noticed them getting pecked at a few times I got a bit concerned about their heads cause I have read before this happens a lot! Thank you SO much for your response! I will so look into that stuff I wanna try to avoid anything like that before it even starts.
I would definitely try to put a stop to it. Picking usually gets worse if nothing is done. It's true that eye catching tufts of feathers on breeds like Polish and EE's, tend to get picked, but the primary cause is boredom. I prevent picking by giving them better things to do than pick on each other. By 3 weeks, chicks are more than ready to explore more than the brooder box. As soon as it warm enough in your area, try to get them outside for part of the day. If you can;t do that, put things in the brooder box for them to explore. A log, a roosting bar, branches, lettuce or cabbage leaves, etc.

I just posted about providing stimulation for chicks here:

Hope this helps.
Thank you SO much for your input! I add a chick "log" its a log snack the hangs and they can peck and snack on! I'm hoping that helps them stay busy!! I did get blu kote and I plan on putting that on this afternoon as another precaution. Thanks a bunch !!

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