peep, peep, peep

Cute chicks

Thank you! :) I have to start taking all of them out more. We've been giving one more attention than the others because she literally begs to be taken out of the brooder when peek in. The others scramble and run. Funny how they all have their own unique personalities.
Do I see some buff minorcas?

No, two Plymouth rocks and two White rocks. If I could, I would have one of every breed.


So the girls are getting ridiculously large. Oy! It was time to move them up to their big girl digs. So I constructed a safe place inside my dogs wire crate, building cardboard barriers where little necks could squeeze through if persistant enough. They needed that extra room! Given the dances of joy
( i.e. flying, racing, and peeping excitedly ) I am assuming they LOVE it.

They also moved out to the unheated room in the back of the house. Our weather is very wet these days, but the temp hasn't been dropping down too low at night. Probably low 50's at it's coldest. I changed the light bulb back to 100 watts just to be sure they would be warm enough during their first full night out there. They were all sprawled out "sunbathing" when I turned in for the night. This morning, I had happy chicks. Eagerly awaiting their morning scratch treat! With the temps rising during the day, I switched back to the 40 watt.... but being that they are 3 weeks old today, I think I will be turning off the light all together during the day from now on.

I will be back later with new pictures. The girls have reached the ugly stage. They will always be beauties to me tho!
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Deciding how they feel about the new condo.

"do these feathers make my butt look big?"


Oh, there's the food!


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