Pekin Duck laying question - more than one egg a day?


Jun 17, 2016
East Orlando, FL
My duck just started laying a few weeks ago. And I'm totally new to ducks.

So about 10 days ago I noticed she had a limp. That is the same day that I noticed she was laying in a new spot, found one egg in the dirt. So I checked thoroughly and didn't find any more eggs at that time. I laid some straw and pine shavings in that area, as well as a few other corners, so she could pick out a nice nest. That was 10 days ago, no eggs found since then.

My wife and I have gone out everyday looking for her eggs, no luck. Looked everywhere, under the coop, moved the pine shavings and straw, even under and around the kid's slides.

Then yesterday, I saw 6 in the nest that we made her, all sitting on top like they'd been there the entire time. We grabbed them all and brought them inside. I even moved some of the nesting to look for others to make sure that was all of them. This morning, I found 2 eggs in that same nest. Went back out 2 hours later and found another. So a total of 9 eggs found all in a matter of about 20 hours.

Was I just not looking hard enough? I can't imagine that a duck's inner anatomy is much (or at least THAT much) different than a chicken's, so it's not like she's been hoarding them in her belly for the last week. But figured I'd ask...

Likely she was just uncovering the newly-found eggs while looking for the eggs we've already taken? And if that's the case, do ducks normally cover their nests to keep them from being taken?

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