Pekin Duck with Heat Exhaustion? Help?


7 Years
Jun 2, 2012
Statesville, NC
My 8 year old pekin drake was acting weird this evening when I went to do my late afternoon checks on everyone. He and three other drakes (they are less than a year) are in a pen that is totally shaded with their pool, two tubs of water, and a couple of buckets of water. I change the water out at least 2-3 times a day and have been spraying them down since the temps have been in the upper 90's-100's with HIGH humidity for the last week or so.

Anyway, 'Peep' just stood under the hose and didn't bother to move a bit, which is really strange since he normally hates being sprayed down. I got scared so I put him in the pool and started trying to cool him down. If I didn't hold him, he would just kind of wobble around in the water and even somewhat submerge his head. That REALLY scared me because I was afraid he'd pass out and drown.

So I decided to bring him in the house. I got about 8ml of electrolytes into him before he had enough and I didn't want to stress him too much more. Right now he's laying on the laminate floor in front of a fan. He holds his head up for a little and then props it up on the pen or lays it down on the floor. He quacks a little if something startles him but otherwise is just out of it. And I think he may have just passed gas or a b/m due to the nasty smell wafting from his area. There's also a bowl of water and electrolytes in the pen with him. He was walking around a bit before he laid down, all-be-it scrunched over like an old man.

Everyone seemed to be doing ok- a little off their food, but still active for the most part. I expected 'Peep' would have it rough since he's older and heavier, but I'm worried about him. Have I done all I can? I'm halfway preparing myself for his passing. I wish I would have caught this sooner. He seemed fine just a few hours ago and this morning he was even bullying the other ducks around.

Poor guy. I feel horrible for him and awful that I let him get this messed up.

Edited to add: He hasn't been panting since I noticed he was messed up. Bad sign?
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Thanks for nothing I guess. He made it through the night but is vomiting green fecal like liquid this morning. I feel like he's suffering and that's not fair. He will be put down.

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