Pekin Duckling Laying down MOST of the time and army crawls... Normal or Not??

That is great news!
Oh, you don't know how relieved I am to hear that! I hope she continues to get stronger and stronger, and I also hope you can post pics soon!
Umm no. That is not normal.


For one they need non medicated feed. For two they NEED vitamans like niacin. buy this
a 1/2 teaspoon makes 3 gallons.

Ducks shouldn't be alone and they shouldn't really be with chickens, either.
I know ducks should not be alone but there was a Pekin duck in tractor supply wasn't using his 1 leg and they said he wasn't going to make it through the night because the other ducks are pecking at him and won't let him eat at all so I got him home and my baby runners won't let him eat or anything they pim him to the wall I keep him in the house with stuffed animals because if i leave him out there they will possibly kill him i don't know why his leg is normal they will not except him at all. I do let him play with the other duck I just have to supervise I hope when he gets bigger they will except him


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Can your little duckling walk normally now? if he can it will take time but he will be accepted you just have to go about it slowly. take him out as much as you can to be around everyone and make sure to supervise. If you have a safe secure pen you could even block off part with fencing and let him be on one side and the others on the other side that way they can see each other but no one gets picked on.
Ok thanks that's what I was doing. Yes his leg is normal now he's super attached to me. But he does like to play with other ducks hopefully if I keep doing this he will get accepted
Keep us updated on how it's going.
He has gotten really big and during supervised play he doesn't let them bully him anymore he has been pushing past them I put him in the pen and he was eating and drinking with no issues I think he is ready he always wants to be with them and they seem to be accepting since he's not a stranger fingers 🤞 crossed he is now the same size as them I will definitely watch closely he is doing amazing with his leg since tractor supply said he wouldn't make it through the night you would never know his leg was hurt he does think he is a runner duck not pekin 🤣

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