Pekin ducks mating for the first time

Welcome to the forums, voodoozombie
My first post... We have 5 pekin ducks and are a little overwhelmed by the "duck porn" going on day and night. We ended up with 3 males, 2 females and know that is a ratio that isn't too pleasant for the females. Would it be hard on the flock if we gave 2 males to a friend? She wants them, and we don't want to have more than 5 or 6 ducks due to our space so can't add to the flock. Ideas? We'd then have one male, 2 females...and would be excited to add another female or 2 if that was a good idea.
Well one of my pekins started laying about 16 or 17 weeks and one of the Cayugas started about 2 or 3 weeks later anther about 3or4 more and the last one just started last week and I THINK my last pekin is starting to lay. My pekin laid almost everyday until it started getting so she lays a few days and is off a few. And today the pekin house had a smaller egg so I'm guess the other girl is starting.
My first post... We have 5 pekin ducks and are a little overwhelmed by the "duck porn" going on day and night. We ended up with 3 males, 2 females and know that is a ratio that isn't too pleasant for the females. Would it be hard on the flock if we gave 2 males to a friend? She wants them, and we don't want to have more than 5 or 6 ducks due to our space so can't add to the flock. Ideas? We'd then have one male, 2 females...and would be excited to add another female or 2 if that was a good idea.
If you have only 2 girls i would give the other 2 males away! That is too much for them for sure.
Would think for sure your girls would be much happier with only one husband, and certainly adding a couple of wives should be fine. Some say 3-4 to 1, but others say actually 5-10 to 1 is okay (this comes from the Phillipines, where they are experts in poultry, and of course their ducks run free all the time, so...). You will know and if you add a few and it's too much, which I doubt, you can always sell some of the ladies It's a trial and error thing, all depends how virile your drake will be, but would think the more the better, the wives will take less stress. If you are breeding, you can always seperate the drake with the best females for a bit and see how it goes. He will pick his favorites. MEN!!! ;)
OK, so my 18 week old Pekin laid a huge double yolker for 2 days, then took a day off. Her next egg was smaller, unless it was from someone else, but today, day 5, I have 2 medium size eggs. So now have 2 layers. Very exciting!!!
My first post... We have 5 pekin ducks and are a little overwhelmed by the "duck porn" going on day and night. We ended up with 3 males, 2 females and know that is a ratio that isn't too pleasant for the females. Would it be hard on the flock if we gave 2 males to a friend? She wants them, and we don't want to have more than 5 or 6 ducks due to our space so can't add to the flock. Ideas? We'd then have one male, 2 females...and would be excited to add another female or 2 if that was a good idea.

My three drakes seem moderately clueless when it comes to my two ladies. Generally, one of my boys will pick a girl to harass and won't let up until she gets angry. The other two seem content to mill around the yard, keeping to themselves. I do notice that they will take turns, but the girls never seem exhausted. If ducks were capable of chivalry, I might consider that to be what the other two boys were doing...I thought about adding a female to the family but they seem to be just fine!!

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