Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Well we made out pretty good with the storms so far today. Had high winds, broke some branches off trees, had two small trees that are at our chicken run area get broken in half by the wind. But it looks like all of our birds made out good. Got the run cleaned up, branches out, Fed and watered everyone. Now to see what this evening brings.... not looking forward to more..

On a lighter note, today is our 15th wedding anniversary. Hubby took me out to Red Lobster.... yummmmmmm sorry it was very good.. :)

Happy Anniversary! Goodnto hear the birds made out ok.

Today at 1:29 pm
After the incident we had last year with the goslings, it's best that you not come. BTW, how's the other one doing? I assume it is dead too.

Gee it is so nice to be single handedly basically banned from an event that so called everyone was invited to. This was a response I got when I asked nicely for directions to the picnic/swap. She is banning me because I bought two geese from her last year. One got taken by a Fox last year and the other one sadly got taken this year by a Fox also. Now, how many of us have suffered from predation? This is not fair. I am sorry to have to post this, but I do not stand for being bullied.

That is just mean. :(
Sharing my facebook post here: So I know I probably shouldn't have but I reached under my broody hen to check her eggs. No one marked down when we put them under her and no one remembered to candle.... but I knew it was atleast 20 days ago... soooooooo I felt little peep feet!!! We put 4 eggs and a golf ball under her. I felt the ball, one egg and as soon as I felt peep feet I panicked and pulled away... I should give her a few more days yes? I'm worried the other 5 birds will attack em or the babies will fall down the ramp to the underrun.... Advice?!
Originally Posted by MotorcycleChick

Baby refuses to bring her chicks into the coop. It has been almost a week. You know the weather is bad. The only way to keep them in there is to put a board in front of the door. With the wind blowing, it would blow the board down though. Should I leave them alone? If not, how do I keep the board in place?

Sharing my facebook post here: So I know I probably shouldn't have but I reached under my broody hen to check her eggs. No one marked down when we put them under her and no one remembered to candle.... but I knew it was atleast 20 days ago... soooooooo I felt little peep feet!!! We put 4 eggs and a golf ball under her. I felt the ball, one egg and as soon as I felt peep feet I panicked and pulled away... I should give her a few more days yes? I'm worried the other 5 birds will attack em or the babies will fall down the ramp to the underrun.... Advice?!
Let her do her thing. Sally (whom has gone missing again) has had bad luck with broody hens, but I am on my second, and trust one of them completely. I doubt the sanity of the other.
She is a good mom, if a little over protective of new things.

As you can see, it is a small coop. No predators can get in without me seeing. Baby has never been up the ramp. She runs down fast enough the few times I have put her inside! The chicks enjoy running about half way up. Then Baby tells them to come down. I am assuming it is just new to her, and thus a threat.
I only care because the babies are on the ground, and if water starts puddling they can drown under Mom. Also the winds are pretty strong. I took this picture from beside the Lilac bush. BIG bush a million feet high. Some protection, but not enough IMO.
Anyway, I will put a cement block inside with a piece of wood in front of the door. By the time she gets used to it, I will return her to the big coop. Ha ha.
Let her do her thing. Sally (whom has gone missing again) has had bad luck with broody hens, but I am on my second, and trust one of them completely. I doubt the sanity of the other.
She is a good mom, if a little over protective of new things.


Being the wealth of knowledge of all things might try putting down some 'bread crumbs' and leading baby (and crew) up the ramp to the trumps fear imho.....
Does anyone know where I can get a few white leghorn laying hens or pullets that are close to laying in the Pittsburgh area? I lost 4 last night and would really like to get some more. Let me know if anyone knows of something. Thanks.
Does anyone know where I can get a few white leghorn laying hens or pullets that are close to laying in the Pittsburgh area? I lost 4 last night and wonld really like to get some more. Let me know if anyone knows of something. Thanks.

:hugs sorry about your losses. We all loose some at one point or another and it is not not fun. If I lived closer I would give you the one I have. :hugs
Hope you find some more :)
Well lil man was at preschool this morning when I went and picked up the chicks - his eyes bugged out of his head when he got home this afternoon lol He is head over heels in love with them already

Thanks for the anniversary congrats.

And I really am sorry I had to post my last message, but I was hurt and upset.
People can be jerks, don't let it get to you

Please stay safe with the next round of storms everyone. We are locking down here. Wind has already picked up.

More storms???
Times like this I hate not having cable or being able to get regular tv reception down in this valley.

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