Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I have been browsing the crossed beak thread.....................there are so many posts it will take forever to get the basic info!

I see
----use deeper food and water bowls
---wet food seems easier to eat because it sticks............for many birds

some people trim the beaks yet I cannot get reliable info on how to do this.

What I am thinking is that my Sylvia is very young , just 10 weeks, and I really didn't notice till recently so maybe it is more recently developing ( or I am clueless---but I just don't want to go there)
producworse.........maybe even help a bit.

she does seem to eat and drink well and is growing nicely. She is not my smallest pullet..................she eats a lot.........................

anyone know of a good reference guide so I do not have to spend a week reading posts ?


I am not an authority on anything...I think a photo would allow smarter folks to understanding is that you can grind/sand off beaks that are abnormal...sometimes that works,,,sometimes it doesn't.....sorry.....
It is a cross beak. It is sometimes a birth defect, sometimes an injury (pecking at hard things at a few days of age). I am part of a cross beak thread. Join if you would like more info. Otherwise, just know she may eventually need deeper food and water bowls, and you will need to trim her beak periodically.

This is Cadbury. I trim her beak slightly to help her eat. She does best with pellets or FF (which is why I began FF). She finally began laying and has even gone broody.
She's so cute!! I wanted to let you know nearly everyone has settled in wonderfully, and the BLRW boys have done a great job protecting the ladies they have decided are theirs (mostly ones that aren't laying yet, or were kinda outcasts from the main flock), have been very sweet with us and will occasionally eat from our hands. The only one who hasn't settled very well (yet) is the BCM girl, Lenor, she's still VERY jumpy. They all love running all over the place looking for food, but they seem like they're not too sure what to make of the ducks lol. Especially the grumpy momma, she's hissing or biting EVERYONE (even the drakes) I swear she's worse than I was in my 9th

I am not an authority on anything...I think a photo would allow smarter folks to understanding is that you can grind/sand off beaks that are abnormal...sometimes that works,,,sometimes it doesn't.....sorry.....
stake: I will post a close up picture as soon as I get a good one......I agree that would be helpful info.

re: nutrition------I have provided daily chick grower feed and clean water.....a large portion.....and then provided treats just for fun.....watermelon, greens, corn on cob, cherries ( without pits),

they are in a coop and a run....and had grass till they ate it all.....I pick weeds and grass and put it in the run for them ....and they get out of the run for short periods of time like 30 to 45 min when I have a break.....I watch them in a less secure fenced area......that allows them to forage and eat grass more.

should I ad the vitamin stuff to their water? they are all growing nicely............
To those of you who ferment your feed- I have a couple of questions I can't seem to find online after researching.
1. I know many people put BOSS in their FF but would I be able to make FF using mostly pellets/ chick starter crumbles and then random grains/seeds as a little supplement, or can it only be done with grain?
2. How often do you feed your chickens FF? Does it replace their food, is it a daily supplement, or is it a weekly supplement?
3. Does it matter how long something ferments? Because ideally, I would like to add in food as I take some out instead of starting another batch all over again

FF what does it stand for..........fermented feed.......fancy fowl......??

Fermented feed.
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Thanks SilkieSensation for that awesome breakdown. That was exactly the answer I was hoping to get. So from what I've observed I am giving them enough and sometimes a little extra. My 7 magpies always wait for everyone else to eat before they do and I always worried there would be nothing left. Apparently they are getting plenty since more often than not there is the powdery stuff left. Yesterday I had to buy a different feed to hold them over til I got to the mill and all the powder was gone. Thank god someone got hungry enough to eat it. I forgot I have 9 young guineas as well (6 of them are so loud all of the time, dinner someday if they don't shut up).

Thanks again for the great info!!
To those of you who ferment your feed- I have a couple of questions I can't seem to find online after researching.
1. I know many people put BOSS in their FF but would I be able to make FF using mostly pellets/ chick starter crumbles and then random grains/seeds as a little supplement, or can it only be done with grain?
2. How often do you feed your chickens FF? Does it replace their food, is it a daily supplement, or is it a weekly supplement?

Fermented feed.
I've been using crumble from the beginning, and still do since some of our birds are still a little small for me to feel comfortable with whole grains. I will be adding scratch grains to this next batch though, I use 15% or 16% protein and UP/ACV with mother was the starter.
I feed it as their only food, other than free ranging. I only feed once a day now, but in the winter it will be two to three times a day. It will depend on how much they need.

My first 2 eggs!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY I am sure they came from Betty as Boops comb etc is nowhere near the size/colour of Bettys, I didn't bother checking the coop yesterday as I didn't think they'd be "settled" in just yet only being here almost a month but looks like I will be checking every day now!

Betty on the left and Boop on the right

My first 2 eggs!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY I am sure they came from Betty as Boops comb etc is nowhere near the size/colour of Bettys, I didn't bother checking the coop yesterday as I didn't think they'd be "settled" in just yet only being here almost a month but looks like I will be checking every day now!

Betty on the left and Boop on the right

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