Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Rose, if you are gonna hatch any of those cochin from blarney, they would make great bartering tools (hint, hint ) deliver chicks and take full grown meat,,,now that's some fast growth

silkie, my kids are in their 20's and 30's, they prefer to sit back and laugh at me..and then they tell me I shouldn't do that cause I might break a hip.....I really do not know where they get their sarcasm from...
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Rose, if you are gonna hatch any of those cochin from blarney, they would make great bartering tools (hint, hint ) deliver chicks and take full grown meat,,,now that's some fast growth

silkie, my kids are in their 20's and 30's, they prefer to sit back and laugh at me..and then they tell me I shouldn't do that cause I might break a hip.....I really do not know where they get their sarcasm from...
Hmmmm...I always have told mine they will never get too old or too big to go over momma's knee & get their butt whooped if they need it. My 19 yr old knows I'm dead serious!

How are the babies doing? And did your daughter approve of the duck I sent last time with the eggs? LOL
Quote: daughter took the duck to her room, it's on her dresser, so I would say she approved

babies are settling in nicely,,,,really hoping the bronze turkey is a tom....and hubby is kind of interesting trying to talk to guinea's...he always tries to imitate everything,,,he does a pretty good duck really do not want to know how often he holds conversation with the critters around here,,,it's a little scary.
Quote: daughter took the duck to her room, it's on her dresser, so I would say she approved

babies are settling in nicely,,,,really hoping the bronze turkey is a tom....and hubby is kind of interesting trying to talk to guinea's...he always tries to imitate everything,,,he does a pretty good duck really do not want to know how often he holds conversation with the critters around here,,,it's a little scary.
LMAO...He sounds just like JJ. He will stand out next to the turkey pen or go in & sit down & talk to my Tom & rub his head & chest, gobble to him, tell him he's a "pretty boy."
He talks to the ducks too. I have 1 call duck hen that he gives kisses to every time he waters her. She comes to the front of the pen & stands in the door waiting to have her chin scratched & kisses on the top of her head & bill. Fawn is his baby...LOL

The little bronze & 1 of the blues looked rater boyish to me, so hopefully you will have a breeder set in the blues & lavender too. I love my slates!

Here's JJ giving Tom some lovins.
Anyone raise BBBs/BBWs, since we are talking turkey?

This is my first time with turkeys and I hatched a Bourbon Red and a Blue Slate for breeding. I also bought 12 BBBs for holiday nom-noms. Well, of the 12, I have 5 left. Of the 5, the 2 toms have severely twisted legs. Tonight I went out and put pipe insulation on their legs with vet wrap to help give them support so they can at least get around. I don't think it's helping. I was told the BBBs are notorious for having leg issues (like a Cornish x meat chicken). Anyone raise any that had leg issues and they survived until Thanksgiving? These guys aren't even 2 months old.
Anyone raise BBBs/BBWs, since we are talking turkey?

This is my first time with turkeys and I hatched a Bourbon Red and a Blue Slate for breeding. I also bought 12 BBBs for holiday nom-noms. Well, of the 12, I have 5 left. Of the 5, the 2 toms have severely twisted legs. Tonight I went out and put pipe insulation on their legs with vet wrap to help give them support so they can at least get around. I don't think it's helping. I was told the BBBs are notorious for having leg issues (like a Cornish x meat chicken). Anyone raise any that had leg issues and they survived until Thanksgiving? These guys aren't even 2 months old.
I have a BBW hen growing out right now. She was hatched the beginning of Feb so is almost 7 months old. Of the 3 I originally got, she is the sole survivor. 1 didn't make it a week & the other had the bad legs & only made it to about 3 or 4 months. The remaining hen is a PIG! She is huge, already bigger than my slate tom who is about a year & a half old. We will be processing her soon, but have to make some room in the freezer 1st.

I've hatched out a couple batches of poults from my slates (all blue & lavender) but I think they are done for the year & Wing probably got the last of them. The hens are still laying pretty regularly, but Tom just isn't interested since breeding season is over.
Can not speak for the rest of you, but I AM TO OLD TO CHASE CHICKENS....little blanket blanks seem to know when I need to catch just one of them, and everyone else protects that one.....
I have officially broken down and bought a long handled net,,,,it is in the mail,,,,why them roosters even take to tripping me lately or maybe I am just not as agile anymore.

Well, my limited experience chasing chickens is that its usless....I have a striped bass fishing does the job....but, I fear there's youtube videos of me wandering the birds are 100% scratch motivated and I use a blue coffee can....(yes, my birds love that can! certainly more than me)....if all else fails, I'd suggest putting on your roller derby gear  hip checking the roos out of the way and throwing the blocker hens over the two cents

Stake, your two cents never fails to crack me up!
Here is lolly with our daughter she carries it around like a doll and the turkey loves it lol

Goodness!! That child is beautiful!

Rose, if you are gonna hatch any of those cochin from blarney, they would make great bartering tools (hint, hint ) deliver chicks and take full grown meat,,,now that's some fast growth. oh, hey! Can I get in on this action?

silkie, my kids are in their 20's and 30's, they prefer to sit back and laugh at me..and then they tell me I shouldn't do that cause I might break a hip.....I really do not know where they get their sarcasm from...

Rose, if you are gonna hatch any of those cochin from blarney, they would make great bartering tools (hint, hint ) deliver chicks and take full grown meat,,,now that's some fast growth

hey! Can I get in on this?

silkie, my kids are in their 20's and 30's, they prefer to sit back and laugh at me..and then they tell me I shouldn't do that cause I might break a hip.....I really do not know where they get their sarcasm from...

Hmmmm...I always have told mine they will never get too old or too big to go over momma's knee & get their butt whooped if they need it. My 19 yr old knows I'm dead serious! 

Don't ya have to catch em first? :D

How are the babies doing? And did your daughter approve of the duck I sent last time with the eggs? LOL 
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