Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Yep, I got straw do not quote me on this but I think it is 3 a bale.......
Lisa you are over thinking all of this,,,did you mention what breeds of birds you have,,,you can do more harm than good by keeping things to warm for some breeds
I also have about 200 extra pounds of wheat left and some corn(not on the cob)
okay okay okay..........................I will try not to worry about my girls in the cold..............

Its kinda hard for the new mom of the chickens not to worry about the cold but I think I can do it!

I will focus on dry and no wind that is my mantra

dry and no wind.

there is plenty as in PLENTY of ventilation in my coop because there are tons of gaps etc.................

I have 2 wyandottes and they are supposed to be cold hardy.
I have one Easter egger and a New Hampshire red.....................I think these are also ok for our winter........

no more worries...........................( just wait until the first snow or ice.............and see if I am still not worrying! )

no worries.................dry and wind free is the thing to be!

thanks people for your encouragement

re hay straw----I have not used either just saw some folks build an all straw bale coop and they said it was super warm and cozy so I was intrigued....but I am not worried about warmth and already have a coop..............I need not say more!
Lisa just remember all we can do is offer advise from our own experience and every one will be different, you will have to find what works for you, and unfortunately that will be thru trial and error...

For instance I only use straw and never have a problem with mites and I have coop windows open year round...these things are the opposite of what others will say, but this works for me..
Lisa just remember all we can do is offer advise from our own experience and every one will be different, you will have to find what works for you, and unfortunately that will be thru trial and error...

For instance I only use straw and never have a problem with mites and I have coop windows open year round...these things are the opposite of what others will say, but this works for me..
thumbsup.gif judging anyone else's set-up! Being helpful in a nice way without making others feel their ideas/opinions are inferior...wing could not have said it better!! Find what works for YOU...
Good morning everyone
...the sun is shining....
Have a question about quarantine..I have read some do this for 2 weeks, others 1 month....big differences!! Was just wondering what you all felt about this?
I am hoping to acquire a couple more girls soon..hoping
, so just curious as to the length of time usually given for quarantine/introduction...thank you-Danielle
Good morning everyone!
Lisa, in my experience, chickens are very Hardy. I understand your concerns, but just have fun. Every new Coop I build had things I learned from previous builds. My stop is very different from wingstone, but they both work.
I adapted a Coop foot my Turkey. They roost on top of it. They won't go in out of the rain. I gave up. They can do what they want. Every morning I get up and herd them into the run. If they are OK with that, who am I to say.
Some of my chickens roost in their coops, some stay in the run. Their choice. I'm not chasing 30 birds every night. Besides, I'm not here at dusk (at least until the clocks change.
Relax and have fun.
I hope I can keep this laptop working long enough to post some pics....I some walking around with the phone'''

got lucky on these Dom's so far..hatched 6 out of 8 eggs, only lost one in the brooder,,,,looks like 1 roo to 4 hen......see that black bird,,,it came out of a wellie egg.........not a wellie...

full grown EE rooster eating beside 3 of my 5 week old meat bird experiments

just to show that all shapes, colors, and sizes can live happily together....that little serama hen is up the pecking ladder pretty far

ventilation window, usually left open

window slides like a glass door, can be easily closed if need be.....and yes , I have a few birds that think the window is a door..

The only 2 wishard bronze that I have left,,,,I am really disappointe in these..

the baby pen is hard to see most of them blend in with the straw.....6 cochin bantam...2 OE...1 mottled java

one of the stinky, always messy quail pens

look !!!it is possible,,,even wing can occasionally have an empty pen..

a grow me up pen....I swear this is not the only feeder in there.....silly birds...

duck pen,,,they are in there somewhere...

there they are,,,i walk thru these weeds daily to look for eggs..

my pain in the keester serama rooster,,,gave up trying to contain him, so I call him the ankle biter...

enough for awhile, laptop starting to overheat....

y'all come back some other time..
Awesome pics wing!

My turn hehe, our newest fuzzy butt and momma (Peanut). Hatched sometime in the last 24 hours, since it wasn't there yesterday.

15-20 more to go between the 3 broody girls, most if not all are internally pipped!

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