Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

snowy driving question....

these snow drifts are pretty high, just how hard can a bumper hit them before the air bag is set off...:fl   I think about this every time I plow thru one

Hmmm, never thought of that! I love drift busting, but this is the first I've had the chance with an air bag equipped vehicle! I would imagine the fact it isn't solid would help avoid deployment, a slow deceleration to the sensor, not abrupt. I know I've "tapped" some things rather hard and not had them go off.
Well it has finally hit a balmy 5* here, but it is 20* in the coop, so except for swapping out waterers once in a while all is good. I did wait till the temp was 2* to open the pop door, I need to make a 'portico' type cover for the pop door area so there is a secondary barrier to outside air temps. I think a box around the pop door area with another pop door on the side so it wasn't directly in line with the first and maybe a curtain over one of the doors, or clear plastic strips they could push through? The birds are fine with how it is now, but reducing cold air flow would help reduce how quickly the water freezes probably. Will have to dig through scrap pile for building materials but not till after weather warms up! LOL
Hubby built a little portico on ours & it really does cut down on the draft going in to the coop. He used scrap stuff too so that worked out fine. I'll see if I can find a pic of it, I know he took one. We are finding so many things we are going to want to modify when the weather gets nice....
Hubby built a little portico on ours & it really does cut down on the draft going in to the coop. He used scrap stuff too so that worked out fine. I'll see if I can find a pic of it, I know he took one. We are finding so many things we are going to want to modify when the weather gets nice....

Our little portico, we don't have any plastic barrier up yet, still deciding what to do about that. We think it makes a difference in the coop drafts.
I have Barred Rocks and they are my favorite.
Their personality is just different from the others.
They were also the first to lay an egg out of my flock.
Hi everyone been a long time since I was on. Been so busy with the kids and family life! So excited to set some eggs want to set them so they hatch out near my daughter's( turning 5 )birthday so she is soo anxious. I am so ready for spring and babies babies babies. Who else is looking forward to hatching??
I just ordered my chickens! Yay!!!

1 Buff Orp
1 Barred Rock
1Black Austrolorp
1 Sicilian Buttercup

Ordered them from Pickering Valley feed, thanks Stake!
Oh MY Goodness! So eggciting! When do you get them?

Hi everyone been a long time since I was on. Been so busy with the kids and family life! So excited to set some eggs want to set them so they hatch out near my daughter's( turning 5 )birthday so she is soo anxious. I am so ready for spring and babies babies babies. Who else is looking forward to hatching??
HEY!!! There you are! what kind of eggs are you going to set? We have some in the bator right now, hatch date= February 2nd….Ground Hog hatch.

Spent the day in Philly, the weather added an hour and half to my drive in, had a car coming straight at us on 95 near Broad Street, apparently the driver spun out and decided NOT to turn back around and head in the right direction??!! People are crazy. Just sayin.

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