Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

My hatch is complete! time to clean the bator and move some eggs from the styro to the coolerbator!

Kids are home from school so who knows if I get time now arggggggggg!! Darn weather this year!!

WAIT just WAIT until I take pics of the cutest chick EVER and guess what!!

Its a Americana under the CCL roo!! She has the chipmunk and eye liner but OMGAWD wait till you see her, I hatched two!! one is a tad darker than the other but amazing chicks that will lay amazing eggs!!! we have been eating all her eggs because I didnt know if I could sell Americana!


can you read into my excitement over chicks!! lmao no Sally isnt majorly excited about all the expensive chicks she just hatched she is in LOVE with these two!!
Hubs is like your selling them right? HA HA HA

seriously though, I usually eat her eggs, I can hatch them and sell them even cheap its better than eating those adorable things!! seriously I cant believe I am so thrilled with them!! Now I wish I had more hens like her! Her name is SMART EAGLE!

Pics to come!!!
On another note guess spring fever or winter borden has set in, in the coop! Two of my girls have nothing better to do then to warm their eggs!

And I finally got the big chicken feeder inside the coop! :)

I have 1 that has poopy butt & I am a tad concerned about her. I was thinking it was because instead of roosting on the bar in the coop, she roosts on the poop board & I thought maybe the poo didn't clear the feathers because of being so close to the poop board. She seems healthy otherwise & I checked her vent & it's not blocked and I am getting eggs from her. Although the eggs are paler, rougher and seem a bit thinner shelled. I have been dosing her with yogurt with some extra oyster shell. The shell now looks a bit thicker. Am I missing something that I should be treating her for? So much to learn!!!

Have a read see if you can help her out
Heather that hen is gorgeous. And 9? Does she lay at all?

So now it's snowing. Again. I would complain, except DH is doing enough of that for both of us. It's better than mud.
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Here she is!

They don't get any cuter than that!
Absolutely adorable!

on a more serious note, My temp covering on the layer run is ca put ripped torn shredded :(

That sucks,
We have the same over part of ours, it has sagged but thankfully hasn't given way yet. We ran nylon rope in a zig zag between the fence uprights to support it some (the cheap colored stuff you can get in 50 or 100 Foot packs at WalMart)
Quote: I told DH to run some too! It was when we had that really cold spell in November and he was already frozen covering it for the NPIP inspection! He is gonna be MAD when he gets home from work!

The roads are horrible here! I havent heard a vehicle in hours and NOT A SALT PLOW Truck EITHER!
I told DH to run some too! It was when we had that really cold spell in November and he was already frozen covering it for the NPIP inspection! He is gonna be MAD when he gets home from work!

The roads are horrible here! I havent heard a vehicle in hours and NOT A SALT PLOW Truck EITHER!
Snowing steady here also, but I don't think I'll be getting as much as you folks further south are predicted to get.... hope everyone can stay inside/home or if not as least hope everyone is safe on their travels. Remember to pack a bag of kitty litter, small shovel, blankets and spare gloves for winter travel.
snowing good here as well just shoveled 4" of really wet snow. I figure better to shovel 4"s twice than 8" or more at one shot. Plows are out but not alot of them and only on major roads ie state highways.
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