Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Anne, my chicks began getting loud at night even with a red bulb. I forget if you said how old they are, but I began turning off the heat lamp at night (yes, it was nerve wracking) and they slept through the night again. There were 6 in the brooder, and I think they were 3 -weeks- old. I did get a black light bulb. I couldn't stand not giving them heat at night. Oh! And they were on the (enclosed) back porch in April. So not in a warm(ish) house. The Leghorns were noisy from day one. If I ever do them again, it will be with a broody in the coop. Let her deal with them!

Chippy, I am so happy for you!
blue breda

nope, nope, nope
can not do any ore new breeds right now,,,I have a soft spot for anything in the blue category though...

need to go get some sleep before I cave and end up with more chickens

Just to follow up on a bad day....the chook that I put back outside this morning has been mauled by her flock mates....she looked like a fighter in the 12th round...she's back inside and covered in blood....I am sure she is in shock....geez, I'm ready for some hard cider..

Load her up on electrolytes & calories. Chick vitamins or gatorade mixed with brown sugar work great. Force a little down her if need be. Paint her with blu-kote & park her under a lamp or near a heat source. Warmth & energy will work wonders on her. Once you get her drinking add some antibiotics to ward off infection. She will need to be introduced back to the flock slowly or with a group of new birds so they don't focus just on her as an outsider.

X2, great advice Silkie.

I add juveniles and reintroduce quarantine chooks by putting them in a cage inside my main run for 2 or 3 days, then pop them on a roost at night when reintroducing. You've got quite a bit of space at your place, was she not able to get away somehow? The problems I've had with bullying always seem to be in the runs, not out free ranging.
Hello everyone! I haven't been on in a long while but glad to see your all doing well. I had my first broody two weeks ago and since our eggs aren't fertile we got her a six chicks from the TSC. Honestly I already have to many for the space we have but have been intending to move some on in the spring. (Anybody want some layers?) the problem is now her sister is broody, I don't want to get six more chicks so I was wondering if anybody nearish to youngstown (Ohio) has some fertile eggs or is expecting a couple chicks anytime soon? I would even be willing to give them back once they are POL. I just hate to see a momma with no babies. I know it's kinda silly but if anyone can help out shoot me a PM.

Not sure how far you want to go but I'm near Zanesville. I have chicks hatching as I type & would sell you just 2 so you aren't overloaded.
Ok went into (semi) lockdown but I have a second set that I will have to hand turn because I only have one bator. I can't wait until Saturday..... our eggs are a wide mix of breeds, so it will be fun to see what they look like once they start feathering. I have two roosters a Russian Orloff and one of his offspring that is a mix. My hens are Red Star, SLW, Ameracauna, Russian Orloff, Black Austalorp, BR, SS, Salmon Faverolle, White Silkie, Crested Polish and some mutts. I just love my girls and this is worse than waiting on Christmas.
I keep looking at the eggs as if I can will them to hatch.... lol.
Yuck :sick I'm not looking forward to working on the coop today. It's SO cold out! But not much choice. Hubby leaves a week from today and we still need to get 2 more walls up and the roof. Not to mention plywood and insulation. Blah :tongue
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Are you serious?!!!? Count us in! We will take them!!!!!
If kiomey cant get you any I know Knisleys in Carlisle will have silkies on the 21st of this month. I cant rememeber when else they will have them. Not sure how far away you are from them. I have two but I am not sure if my roo is broken or I just cant hatch eggs! haha

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