Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Does anyone on the PA thread have a link or something that would help me get info for NPIP testing? I searched the PA Ag site... sent a request to them... searched through BYC... found a list for all states and contacted that person. Nothing. I searched this thread and found NPIP discussion but not how to find a tester, prep for the testing, cost, etc. Hope someone can help.


Check out Sally Sunshines's signature....also recently Blarney posted on a CPT seminar...The sponsoring Vet has to know about PA two cents
Does anyone on the PA thread have a link or something that would help me get info for NPIP testing? I searched the PA Ag site... sent a request to them... searched through BYC... found a list for all states and contacted that person. Nothing. I searched this thread and found NPIP discussion but not how to find a tester, prep for the testing, cost, etc. Hope someone can help.
are you on facebook? I have uploaded all the paperwork for NPIP as well as CPT on the Penna poultry group... if your on FB send me a message and I can friend you and add u to the group to see the files section ;)
Oh no! How horrible. I hope the fire wasn't too bad. I see stake's comment about hurt employees. Those huge deep pressure fryers can be dangerous if you don't pay attention to what you are doing. Hope both injured recover asap.
yeah she is recovering I saw in the paper yesterday. The fryer just basically splashed hot grease. There wasn't an actual fire.
We got the coop cleaned yesterday!!  Of course while cleaning it out I stepped on the rake and it whacked me right in the head. LOL But with the coop clean we can now build some rabbit cages in the other half of the coop and start our meat rabbit adventure.  Can't wait!

I shouldn't laugh, I've done stuff like this before. But I did laugh!

Chicks eating mealworms:
gave them mealworms today. Omg funny

That is awesome! You'd think you were throwing hundred dollar bills the way they fight over them!

I can't make this stuff up people! I had to take a pic.... This popped up on my Women's Calender today. I'm not into man bashing, but this was just funny!

I shouldn't laugh, I've done stuff like this before. But I did laugh!
That is awesome! You'd think you were throwing hundred dollar bills the way they fight over them!

I can't make this stuff up people! I had to take a pic.... This popped up on my Women's Calender today. I'm not into man bashing, but this was just funny!

That's good. I'll give you that one.
for those of you that are local within driving distance,,,,would you be interested in a crop of pick your own sweet corn,,,,,,,we plant this every year and it gets away from me and goes to waste,,,,,it seems to always be ready at a time when we are also busy at work, so I can not get to it in the field, let alone the processing of it to put in the freezer or can........I end up picking most off it to late when it gets chewy and ends up going to the birds..

and a garden question,,, lima beans, are they really hard to grow or is it just me....I get nice looking plants that never flower...

I would definitely drive your way for sweet corn. Addicted to it and fresh tomato sandwiches in summer!

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