Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

The STC-1000 has separate heating and cooling circuits, it seems like that could do both jobs in one.


Just bought one for my bater....and it does have a turn on and turn off seems fairly accurate. my experience was to set them 1/2 degree C different....the bater would go on for about 1.5 mins...then shut of for about 40 sec...then turn back on...I think the variance is .1 degree C......
Another question - I'm just full of them...

I want to be able to let my girls out every now and then. How destructive will they be to established garden plants? Like tomatoes, cabbage, etc? Very? Not much? Somewhere in between? Or should I just be proactive and fence off all the raised veg beds?

We have several nice sized garden beds and never had any problems.

I've heard of people doing it. In my experience they will destroy everything. I have my garden fenced to keep them and other critters out.
We've never had any problems, but we have only 3 chickens, 3 guineas, 1 turkey, and a bunch of Peacocks.
Fence in the garden. My guineas ate everything last year!
My guineas never even go near the garden and they are free 100% of the time, never been penned, same for the 3 chickens, the turkey and peas are penned, but allowed to take turns ranging.
A week ago a sprayed round up in a small section of grass field in preparation of planting corn. Yesterday I ran over it several times with the mower in preparation of tilling it. Today I discovered this:

Borderline swampy area.

Species? Eggs are smaller than a Robin egg. I probably disturbed it yesterday, but can't believe I didn't smash it.
A week ago a sprayed round up in a small section of grass field in preparation of planting corn. Yesterday I ran over it several times with the mower in preparation of tilling it. Today I discovered this:

Borderline swampy area.

Species? Eggs are smaller than a Robin egg. I probably disturbed it yesterday, but can't believe I didn't smash it.
Killdeer maybe? Looks like them, but I'm not sure how big Killdeer eggs are.
We have several nice sized garden beds and never had any problems.

We've never had any problems, but we have only 3 chickens, 3 guineas, 1 turkey, and a bunch of Peacocks.
My guineas never even go near the garden and they are free 100% of the time, never been penned, same for the 3 chickens, the turkey and peas are penned, but allowed to take turns ranging.

I wish my guineas didn't like my garden so much. Last year I had to replant 3 times, 1 time from frost and 2 times from the guineas getting in over the fence and eating everything. They free range all the time, never cooped up. Hubby was wondering how guineas would taste.
5 new chicks hatched out today!

We also found our very first Welsummer eggs over the weekend. Those are going in the incubator tonight!
Yay for new chicks and new eggs!!
I have a question about my broody and what to do about her.
Hen-Bree has not been able to get the chicks into the coop at night. I have had to do this, by hand. The other day though, DH tried to help me...and she attacked him and the chick causing injury to two chicks...I have taken care of their issues, they are fine...but now..even when I go in to help put them to "bed"..she tries to attack me and the chick(s). I don't know what is happening, she never had issue before with me reaching in and picking them she is extremely protective...VERY extreme!
It is going to rain and I am not looking forward to getting everyone into the coop, it causes so much stress for her and the chicks ..but they won't go in...should I just let them out there? They will get wet..Hen-Bree will go in and they will just stay out. I have thought about having DH hold her (Hen-Bree), while I put the chicks into the coop, but I know she will be ape-**-crazy...and I don't know how she will react after I put her in with them. I am truly at a loss ....****Any and all input to this situation is much appreciated! Thank You-Danielle
I have another question...

I have another hen that has gone broody...'full on broody'. What is with these wyandottes?@! ..It is the black laced that are acting like this right now!! Driving me nuts!! We got 1 egg today so far...that is so depressing
I am interested to know, no-I am desperate to know.....what any of you do to rectify this situation? I am NOT getting more chicks, so that is OUT....How would/do any of you go about "breaking" your broody hens. I have a few ideas, but want a few more. Does the length of segregation depend purely on that particular hen or is it a set-time? I have heard numerous opinions on this and gets a little confusing. Also, does the cage/area that the hen is in have to be completely dark? Does she get any time outside during this process? Any and all opinions and experiences in this matter is so much appreciated, thank you!-Danielle

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