Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I sure hope winter soon lets up, hubby is getting a little irate....I need to substitute words to put this on here but you get it..
he comes in the door hollering, I did not put this flinging crap down on the driveway so why the crap do I have to move it......

ummm. what am I suppose to say to that........

Ugh, i hate when they act like that...
Here, a cold morning pick-me-up


Horrible hatch, 10%, but beats zero.
I have been checking on the girls every hour since I opened the pop door around 8:30. They all went scurried out & are going back in to the coop only to lay their eggs. I left the heat lamp on in the coop in case they do want to go in & warm up a bit. It is 10 in their run last time I checked & they are getting the nice sun rays in through the clear plastic on the front of the run.
Hey everyone, I'm still alive :) Are anyone's girls picking up on production? I've been skimming, but I skipped 5 pages... I really want to start collecting eggs soon for the Easter HAL but no one is showing any signs of it yet.
Here, a cold morning pick-me-up

Horrible hatch, 10%, but beats zero.

we are getting about 15/day.... and have 6 hens with chicks. so they are keeping busy!
Ours are laying like crazy, too. Not only did no one slow down, the pullets I thought might wait until spring to start laying have all started in the past month. I'm drowning in eggs.

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