Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Edit: make that 5 eggs! :yesss:
We have to keep thinking on nights like tonight! So glad for my wonderful heated house!
Bucks county here. Welcome!
Those are decent numbers! Congrats!
It is so cold. Is it that I don't remember because I never had chickens before, or is just an unusually cold winter? That's an excellent idea. I might try that for next year.

I don't remember it getting this cold. Thanks.! I didn't want to run a heat lamp for fear of burning the coop down so we built the block heater. We're going to be below -15 tonight. It's running right now and 11 in the coop and -5 outdoors.
Same date at mine. I asked yesterday when I was in. Not sure I'm getting any from them this year, I didn't last year, I just so by every day or two and see what they have and see what's getting old and discounted, then let wingstone buy them

I think PickeringValleyFeed is getting their first shipments in that week too....What should I get for my lone GLW from my 'original' chicks for her birthday???
I don't remember it getting this cold. Thanks.! I didn't want to run a heat lamp for fear of burning the coop down so we built the block heater. We're going to be below -15 tonight. It's running right now and 11 in the coop and -5 outdoors.

I think this is record setting for Feb....Last year there was a polar vortex in Jan....but there have only been a handful of days over the past 20+yrs that I think have had wind chills like this...I am not a fan of going out to check on the chooks...the dog however, doesn't seem to mind it one bit....
Hi Everyone! We are in Chester County and have sold some of our chicks through PIckering (some exhibition line silkies, crested cream legbars and some Bourbon red turkey poults). We love that store and Randy!
Hi Everyone! We are in Chester County and have sold some of our chicks through PIckering (some exhibition line silkies, crested cream legbars and some Bourbon red turkey poults). We love that store and Randy!

Howdy Chica:

I like Pickering too...Randy is very helpful....I have CCLs and have never seen them at Pickering and I did ask??? I have four currently and hope to hatch a few in the near future.

Just completed checking on the chooks....all are in the of the BCMs is sleeping in a nesting box....(a first), may need to bring her in tomorrow for a warm was barking along the back fence line...its really tough out there hope everyones chooks are holding up....
Hi Everyone! We are in Chester County and have sold some of our chicks through PIckering (some exhibition line silkies, crested cream legbars and some Bourbon red turkey poults). We love that store and Randy!

I'm in Chester County to. I love pickering valley feed. I just added a red light to my coop seemed really cold before. I chained and screwed it up high so it won't fall and they can't roost on it hope this helps.
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