Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Validation! My first rooster was a Sebright and he was terrible! He drew blood a few times just while I was feeding him. I used to walk through the yard carrying the garden hose so I could spray him off me if he was loose. I even had to beat him with my purse a few times. That sucker was tough. He didnt last too long here. Glad to know I wasn't the only one though... I don't think ill own another Sebright.

I had a Sebright and an Australorp together when I first started out. My Sebright was afraid of every human. He would come running for treats with the rest of the group, but stayed in the back. I gave him to a friend that liked the sound of roosters and once he left, the Australorp became mean. Somehow, that little Sebright kept the Australorp in check and vice versa. Meanest birds I have owned was my Mille Fluer bantam Cochin roosters (ALL of them), a black bantam Cochin rooster (only one out of 5 total owned), that Australorp and a Bourbon Red tom that decided at 1.5yrs old he was going to attack everyone.

I don't think all Sebrights are bad. Sadly, I think you two were unlucky.

ETA: Tom in my avvie was the mean one. He went to freezer camp and was delicious!
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I don't have time to search right now through more threads. I am so frustrated. Looking for sand without silica. I was told somewhere contractors sand. All say "may contain silica". The play sand packaging cannot be read, the lettering is so poorly printed. So I'm guessing not the QUICKRETE brand. What brand of sand do you use and where can I find it? I've been to Home Depot & Lowes.
We routinely use the Quikcrete playsand from Lowes.... dust becomes a problem after the sand is mixed with large quantities of dried poo, so wearing a dust mask when sifting it if you notice dust is a good idea. The powdery poo and chicken dander is probably more hazardous than anything found in basic sand. You can get paper masks for dust filters at most any pharmacy or at a store which carries construction equipment due to the dust created in most forms of construction.
Inhaling large amounts of silica can cause a condition which was widely called 'white lung'. It was rather prevalent in years past from folks who worked with fiberglass insulation (either in manufacturing it or installing it) Safety/OSHA guidelines today have helped greatly reduce the frequency of the condition but I still hear of people with it once in a while.
I would just recommend a mask when you notice dust.
I am so green with envy....I haven't even started on my boat......thats a nice dinner!!!

Thank you! It did fillet out very nice, was 35". Slot limits in effect right now meant we had to throw back the 37" fish that DH caught. We caught a few others, DH also had a 31" we kept. They can certainly be bigger than this one was but we are very happy with what we got and we had a great couple of days on the water.
We fished on my cousin's boat, we rarely take our own down anymore since his is available to us anytime we are there. He has his commercial license and likes company on the boat so we have been able to enjoy a lot of cool experiences. He and I went for both rockfish and oysters in December.... DH was happy when I brought those home to him, since he had missed that trip!
thats a nice fish, kinda looks like a giant mullet, which i love
Thanks... these are pretty good eating, though you do have to be careful to trim them up right. I have never had mullet, I will have to try it sometime if I ever see it on a menu in this area.
Validation! My first rooster was a Sebright and he was terrible! He drew blood a few times just while I was feeding him. I used to walk through the yard carrying the garden hose so I could spray him off me if he was loose. I even had to beat him with my purse a few times. That sucker was tough. He didnt last too long here. Glad to know I wasn't the only one though... I don't think ill own another Sebright.

Just a question for you all about Roos. When someone says a Roo drawss blood, does that mean he is pecking at you ir using his Spurs? Or both? Just curious, since the only Roo I have had at maturity is a wimpy Silkie. :p

10 miles east of Ohio next to Sharon Pa 

Welcome from the other end of the state! Near Philly.

Well, update on my roosters. They are all snuggled up with the group as if nothing was happening. Clearly trying to make me crazy.

They're good at that, aren't they?
Just a question for you all about Roos. When someone says a Roo drawss blood, does that mean he is pecking at you ir using his Spurs? Or both? Just curious, since the only Roo I have had at maturity is a wimpy Silkie. :p
Welcome from the other end of the state! Near Philly.
They're good at that, aren't they?

I don't know for certain, but I think they could draw blood with either beak or spurs.

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