Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I don't know how I'm ever going to get my young chickens into the main coop/run. Apparently the broken wing chicken got into the layers run early this morning... he's dead now, and half eaten. Blech. If I hadn't found him in their run I would have assumed predator. They've been in adjacent run spaces for the past month but the big girls still attack anyone who accidentally crosses the fence. They've been better when they free range together, but the big girls are still clearly at the top, the smaller chickens just have the ability to escape their bullies when they free range. I have another month or two (maybe) before any of the smaller chickens start laying so I'm running out of time to get the hens to stop trying to kill the smaller chickens. The plan is to combine the two run spaces into a single  larger space, but once I do that it will be difficult to separate them again if the fighting persists.

I have 4 different runs off of my coop & it's divided inside too. Sometimes birds just won't get along no matter what. I keep those in different pens.
I have 4 different runs off of my coop & it's divided inside too. Sometimes birds just won't get along no matter what. I keep those in different pens.


Just added three more babes to the group(a ccl and two Columbian Wyandottes) different a reception than the first group...the first group was/is still getting hazed a bit...but the three newbies are being treated really well....just a get to know you peck....

Of course the the three newbies promptly did the jail break and squeezed through the 2x4 welded wire so I added 2x4's to block the exits....geeze...

Only one more group of babies in the brooder and maybe one more hatch in about 10days(already does not look good).....
had a couple of the hedemora hatch today, seeing some different colors in this hatch. so far my stock is mostly black and gold and the babies have all been black up till now.
i know anything is possible with this breed, just didn't expect this.
the 2 yellow are bantam cochin.
the 1 black is what mine looked like as babies and what has been hatching up till now.

and the momma and babies from last photo session is doing well, she still has all 9 and i still have no clue where they go to at night.
I don't know how I'm ever going to get my young chickens into the main coop/run. Apparently the broken wing chicken got into the layers run early this morning... he's dead now, and half eaten. Blech. If I hadn't found him in their run I would have assumed predator. They've been in adjacent run spaces for the past month but the big girls still attack anyone who accidentally crosses the fence. They've been better when they free range together, but the big girls are still clearly at the top, the smaller chickens just have the ability to escape their bullies when they free range. I have another month or two (maybe) before any of the smaller chickens start laying so I'm running out of time to get the hens to stop trying to kill the smaller chickens. The plan is to combine the two run spaces into a single larger space, but once I do that it will be difficult to separate them again if the fighting persists.
I am having similiar problems................I am so sorry that your one chicken was killed though.............awful!

mine have improved in the ranging ............the two groups older and younger just free range as a group and the younger ones can easily get away.

The problem is the run........the big girls still attack and sometimes corner the younger ones............

Not sure what the solution is.......

my younger ones are not that small anymore but the pecks of the olders are rather rough................maybe a little reduced in fiercenss???? maybe????
About my NHR that was acting strange and laid a liquid "egg"

She has been acting herself ever since the liquid lay.................has not yet laid another egg ......none yesterday and not yet today that I know of.

Sometimes she prefers to lay her egg in a remote location so this is always a possibility.

She is eating up lots of egg shells I ground down into tiny pieces for their calcium.............I think they have not been getting enough calcium..

I am concerned if there was a shelled egg inside her that broke............and all she laid was the liquid............I understand this is a very serious and typically lethal scenario............

She is acting herself, eating and drinking well.

I actually gave her a bath in luke warm water today..............

if it were cocci............I would imagine more declining strength and different behaviors................this is my guess..............

I read that some people try to do a gloved hand "internal" to look for shell fragments..........yet even with a good effort if there are shell fragments...........this typically does not work out well as its hard to get all the fragments............

So I am just hoping there was no broken shell..............

has anyone ever had a chicken just lay a liquidy egg with no shell and no further problems? is this possible?
sometimes a hen will lay a shell less egg, it usually happens at the beginning or end of a laying may have just been a glitch in the plumbing..

and yes if Cocci, she would be still going downhill..
Very cute wing!!!

Speaking of broodies, my broody has slowly been distancing herself from her babies. Yesterday, I saw her squat for the rooster and today she layed her first egg. Outside the coop door, but at least she's back. Her babies care about her way more than she cares about them, it's a little sad actually. They have to learn sometime though I guess. They're about 7 weeks. She kept her last batch much longer.
I am having similiar problems................I am so sorry that your one chicken was killed though.............awful!

mine have improved in the ranging ............the two groups older and younger just free range as a group and the younger ones can easily get away.

The problem is the run........the big girls still attack and sometimes corner the younger ones............

Not sure what the solution is.......

my younger ones are not that small anymore but the pecks of the olders are rather rough................maybe a little reduced in fiercenss???? maybe????
I think you somehow have to shake it up. Run a piece of welded wire to cut the run in half? Give those naughty hens a roost (stick run between the welded wire), a cat litter box to lay in (or how many you need) and give the little ones the run of the good place. That will change things up! Let the big girls back to the good place one at a time. That will fix their wagons. If they are not able to do it free range.

Free range is good. Everyone goes back to their own houses until you decide to move them to the new coop, in the night.

Added: I do the free range thing also. it is very stress free. the two groups gradually hang out closer and closer of a few weeks, until one day..taa daa, all laying in the same chicken pile. :)
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That is strange, definitely worth getting tested for. Mine's legs just got weak, they got off balance, and then we had to put them out of their misery because they couldn't get to food and water. I'm kinda scared they'll come back with the report of death as "broken neck". I wrote in the paperwork that all that had it had to be culled, so I think they'll know. What I was worried about was their symptoms matched no diseases that I researched. All of them that sounded similar were diseases they could get under a certain age, and they were already past it.
oh they will know.... the once over for mine was nothing specific. good weight, healthy tissues etc. microscopically was tumors...everywhere.

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