Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I've been using Safeguard goat wormer. You can get it at most stores and TSC for sure. I am planning to switch to Valbazan when my current supply runs out. It's more expensive, but I believe it's a single dose, critically important with a large number of birds, but maybe not such a big deal for you.

I add it to wet feed to treat a whole pen at once, but catching them and administering it orally is much better if you can do that. Get a helper unless you have 3 hands.

There are several really good threads here on BYC about worming, worth a read and then you will be an expert on the subject.
what is the dose using the goat wormer per bird?
I don't see any difference in my chickens' beaks this morning, so I don't believe it is pox.

We were going to take our Littles to the Pittsburgh Zoo today, but it's looking a little too rainy, so we are going to check out the Aviary instead. I'm looking forward to seeing all the birds.

On a side note, none of the roosters are crowing this morning. Not a peep. I've checked them, but I don't know what the deal is.
These are my personal notes about wormer meds, some of this is copied verbatim, so I hope posting this without attribution won't upset whoever wrote it, but I can't remember what thread I copied this from.
- Valbazen
Jeffers price $43 for 500 ml. Orally is the best way, but I can understand why one might not want to do 100 birds that way. What some peafowl friends of mine do is mix their wormer in a mash, but this requires know approximately how much they weigh and doing a little math.To do it in the food you would need to get the weight of your flock in pounds, divide by 2.2, times 20, divide by 113.6. The answer to that would be the amount of Valbazen to put into the amount of mash that they would eat. Of course this will only be effective if each one eats the same amount. Those that don't won't get the proper amount of wormer. Sample for a flock of 100 1/2 pound chicks 50 ÷ 2.2 x 20 ÷ 113.6 = 4ml To dose individually it's the same thing, weight of bird in pounds, divide by 2.2, times 20, divide by 113.6. The answer to that would be the amount of Valbazen to give orally.
- Safeguard
Jeffers price $19 for 125 ml. I do Safeguard one day at 0.5ml per 2.2 pounds when I want to treat just roundworms and/or cecal worms and I repeat that dos again in 10 days. If I want to treat capillary worms with Safeguard I give 0.5ml per 2.2 pounds for five days in a row, but *not* again in 10 days. Valbazen will treat all those worms mentioned in one dose at 0.2ml per 2.2 pounds. Repeat in 10 days.
Hi there! Just registered for the site today. I used byc when I was figuring out if my family even wanted to get into this. I'm glad we did. We now have 2 gold laced cochin. 1 blue cochin snake got the other one first week outside due to my not realizing that hardware mesh was essential. 4 australorp and 2 silver laced Wyandotte. Just finished building the coop last week. 2 gold laced cochin roosters as well. Our flock is located in beaver county! Western pa
Welcome. I'm in Beaver County as well.
Pughtown Agway, on Rt 100 S of Pottstown, has chicks. I know because they are mine. Guinea keets too. I hope to keep Agway supplied for as long as there is demand for chicks, my way of helping a locally owned business as well as the people who want chicks and are having trouble finding them.
Nice to know....thank you dheltzel! Always try to buy local & support local businesses....
What will kill a chicken pluck it's feathers in it's back and then just leave it? I have a photo but that's something I didn't think was appropriate to post
My $&@%ing neighbors cat got my one Marans chick. I am so ticked off, this is number three in two weeks. I tried to knock on her door, she doesn't even have a doorbell. I'm ready to sit out there with a BB gun now. :mad:. Sorry guys, I was really looking forward to having a Maran in my flock even though I got it by mistake. Tonight I am going to try to talk to her again. :old

Edited to add the BB gun is for her cat, not her.
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My $&@%ing neighbors cat got my one Marans chick. I am so ticked off, this is number three in two weeks. I tried to knock on her door, she doesn't even have a doorbell. I'm ready to sit out there with a BB gun now. :mad:. Sorry guys, I was really looking forward to having a Maran in my flock even though I got it by mistake. Tonight I am going to try to talk to her again. :old

Edited to add the BB gun is for her cat, not her.

Hey, the SSS rule can apply anywhere.

So sorry about the baby... that really stinks :(

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