Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I tarped and tarped, but still got a foot of snow in our main run. Ugh! I made out a littler better with my other coops.
Thankfully we moved all the birds to the main coop and runs. The two smallest coops and runs were totally drifted over and even the runs for the main coop which are covered were filled with snow and drifted over. I shoveled them out and left the hatch doors open. Only one brave little bantam hen ventured out. I finally gave up and put bowls of food in the coop We got a whole winter's of snow at once. This picture was taken this morning before the majority of the snow was down.
Blarney, love your setup, sorry to hear it didn't work out as well as you had planned.

We really did get walloped with this one! I thought we might get 12" here, but I think we got closer to 20-22". It seems so strange after a couple weeks ago it was in the 50's! Hopefully, this is our one big one and the rest will be smaller amounts. My husband has a bad back so I went out and shoveled three times today. I will be out there tomorrow as well. It is comforting to know that we will have a warm up by Tuesday that will melt some of this away. Does everyone have their mud boots ready?

Edited to add, my broodys turkey eggs are due to hatch Wednesday or Thursday, I can't wait! I hope she gets at least 2. :pop
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Does anyone know how to cure scaly leg mites can it wait a couple days to treat just noticed it before the storm I feel so bad for my flock

I heard a presentation about this once at a Poultry Show. The speaker asked everyone who had run into this problem to raise their hands (several went up) then he asked who had ever gotten rid of Scaly leg mites completely, only one person. He said the only sure cure is to dip their legs in kerosene. Sounds drastic, but it's supposed to be a sure cure.

We've got well over 2 feet out there and it's still snowing. I keep shoveling off the deck, my son has shoveled to the main pens, but severel other pens, I'm trudging through snow past my knees. Very hard for this old lady to maneuver in. The driveway never got plowed and DH can't move it with his tractor unless he puts the bucket on, which is currently buried out in the field somewhere under 2 feet of snow. :barnie
The first poults of the year are here! I woke up to 3 babies in the bator running around
horrible picture, I know but my tablet doesn't do any better.

I was told to expect 3" snow, we actually got about 1 foot. Because cold air triggers hubby's asthma, I'm the one shovel most snow. Glad my snow blower works well, or there was no way I could finish it. I grow in a town that never snows and never know shoveling snow could be a problem until I came to PA.

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