Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

If you're interested in some, I could send some eggs along the next chicken train, provided they're laying. I can't wait to hand raise a few
I tried eggs before and they developed but never even pipped. If you have extras, I would try again, since I'm more experienced now. Or, I might get a deal on some breeders on CL and buy them already grown.
Hello! My name is Stacie and I live in Harford, PA (no "T" in Harford : ) about 30 min north of Scranton and near the Harford Fairgrounds.

I am thrilled to find a PA group, but hoping to find a Susquehanna (Lackawanna, Wyoming) County group to actually meet other chicken keepers. I have two chicken keeping friends, but I am looking for more, so please say hello!
Hello! My name is Stacie and I live in Harford, PA (no "T" in Harford : ) about 30 min north of Scranton and near the Harford Fairgrounds.

I am thrilled to find a PA group, but hoping to find a Susquehanna (Lackawanna, Wyoming) County group to actually meet other chicken keepers. I have two chicken keeping friends, but I am looking for more, so please say hello! :frow

Hi and welcome from Cambria county! There are people on here from all over the state :) What do you have and what are you looking for :)
Hello! My name is Stacie and I live in Harford, PA (no "T" in Harford : ) about 30 min north of Scranton and near the Harford Fairgrounds.

I am thrilled to find a PA group, but hoping to find a Susquehanna (Lackawanna, Wyoming) County group to actually meet other chicken keepers. I have two chicken keeping friends, but I am looking for more, so please say hello!

Welcome from Chester Country!
PA is not that big a state, and we make it seem small here.
@dheltzel I figured I would let you know I found an ad on craigslist of someone wanting to trade muscovys for hay so I sent them a text asking if they would consider selling a pair and they were more than happy to infact they are selling me a trio for 25 dollars. I will be getting them tommarrow They might not be show quality but it will be nice to start with. Here are some pics I will get my own pictures tommarrow once get them set up in quarantine.


The first picture is the Drake then the second picture is the two hens

Gorgeous. What a score! We got 'duck eggs' once at a swap, a dozen for $3, put em all in the bator and 28 days later we had 5 beautiful ducks. Left the bator running with the 7 that were left (just cause I was kinda busy) and a week later...5 muscovies! LOL. Great hatch and the Muscovies were as cute as ever. I sold them all as 'we don't do ducks' here. But every time I see call ducks, I sway....just a teensy bit closer to the 'dark side'.

Hello! My name is Stacie and I live in Harford, PA (no "T" in Harford : ) about 30 min north of Scranton and near the Harford Fairgrounds.

I am thrilled to find a PA group, but hoping to find a Susquehanna (Lackawanna, Wyoming) County group to actually meet other chicken keepers. I have two chicken keeping friends, but I am looking for more, so please say hello! :frow

Welcome from Chester Country!
PA is not that big a state, and we make it seem small here.

Welcome Stacie! And agree!! This is a great group.
Gorgeous. What a score! We got 'duck eggs' once at a swap, a dozen for $3, put em all in the bator and 28 days later we had 5 beautiful ducks. Left the bator running with the 7 that were left (just cause I was kinda busy) and a week later...5 muscovies! LOL. Great hatch and the Muscovies were as cute as ever. I sold them all as 'we don't do ducks' here. But every time I see call ducks, I sway....just a teensy bit closer to the 'dark side'.
Welcome Stacie! And agree!! This is a great group.

Welcome from west central Pa, Stacie! X3 on what has already been will find a friendly group of folks here and the distances don't seem as far sometimes. We have had a couple of folks check in from your region over the past few years so I know they are out there. Good luck in your search, In the meantime enjoy your time here!
Thanks, now I have to wait longer... Haha!

3 eggs yesterday, 2 today. 9 hens. I think the production line for 2017 is picking up. So far the new layers' eggs don't seem to be fertile, but that's ok by me. They're still so young I don't want to have them be hurt. Dupli is doing his job with the other girls, except, maybe, Colleen, my Delaware. Ah, well, doesn't matter unless Niko goes broody again. I really don't need more hens. WANT more, yeah.
We all WANT more. Wants can turn into needs if you're not careful though.

I would let her try. I think she may have just been laying an egg late and decided to stay put. She came out this morning with the rest of the flock. If she goes go broody, can I put eggs under her that have been in the fridge (after they came up to room temperature)?
Since i go to the barn to see my horse I haven't been the one locking up at night. Tonight I decided to go check things out since we added the extra roost today. I open the door and everyone looks cozy and no one is in nesting boxes! I start to count 1,2,3...14. Count again...14.

I call down to the house that I'm missing a hen. Well one red sex link was sleeping under the coop!! I hope that she hasn't been doing that on other nights!!
Dad says "well I don't count them when I lock up"
Me "I think it would b a good idea!! I don't want anymore dead chickens for a while!"
I always count my chickens. Just a force of habit. I think it's a good idea. But if Dheltzel had to count all his chickens he'd never get any sleep.

Hello! My name is Stacie and I live in Harford, PA (no "T" in Harford : ) about 30 min north of Scranton and near the Harford Fairgrounds.

I am thrilled to find a PA group, but hoping to find a Susquehanna (Lackawanna, Wyoming) County group to actually meet other chicken keepers. I have two chicken keeping friends, but I am looking for more, so please say hello!

Welcome to the group! I am Bucks county, but I swing up by your way a couple times a year.
My little bantam cochin still looks terrible. I wonder how long she is sick. The owners have a 7 week old baby, so chicken inspection was understandably not high on their list. It's only been a few days of the Oxytet, but I was hoping she would look a little better now. I referenced Casportpony's guide for dosing. I came up with a heaping teaspoon per quart of water for the brand I have. If she doesn't get better after two weeks, I think I will have to cull her or give her back. For now, it's just wait and see.

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