Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Photo bomb time! Here are some of the meaties, they have about a week or two left (12 weeks). The are all doing well and have completely cleared up from their sinus infection.


Here is my handsome Rusty Shackleford, a good boy as always. Curly is behind him. She had the cracked beak. The tip has fallen off, but she seems to be doing fine and eating okay.


Is this a Lav Am? This was from a @dheltzel egg from a couple of months ago.


Here are my adorable little turkey buddies. They are amazing! @dheltzel and @Auroradream26 were right again. They follow me around all over. I still bring them inside at night, or when I am not out, because of the nieghbors cat. They follow the dog around a lot too, and have tried to jump on her a couple of times. Scared the dog, haha! They also love to climb. Yesterday when I was on the hammock, they climbed up the pine tree branches until they were probably 12' high!

Also, I found someone with some more midget whites, so I will be hopefully picking them up in a week or so.


Here is a rooster (mixed breed of Rusty and who knows what) that hatched in March. His name is Larry and he is going to be eaten when we process the meat chickens. He is already showing signs of being cocky, and is chasing some chicks of the girls around, and not nicely. It's a shame, he's very handsome, but a jerk. I did find a home for one of my Bielefelder Roos though. He and two pullets will be going to my cousin. The Bielefelder teens have the cutest crow! I will have to try to post a video.

Is fermented feed supposed to have a vinegary smell? It smells good, sorta, but tangy. They seem to like it so far. (Day 3 of trying it.) And I am worried that Rory is going broody now. That's all I need!

It does. They love it, though mine seemed to prefer it after day 5. It will ferment more in the heat. Can slow it down by cooling it off/ adding more feed.

If the smell is too strong , you may not need the apple cider vinegar next batch.
@AnneInTheBurbs yep, that looks like a lavender am :) I'm so happy your little poults are so friendly and that you're enjoying them so much!

Speaking of poults, I'm hoping my order from Porter's will be coming soon. I'm really excited to see what I end up getting! They said first half of July :) 15 babies from their experimental colors pens :)
Good news! My 2nd chick has hatched some time overnight! Still having a little trouble standing but I looked at it's feet/legs and seems to look ok. Hopefully it will be a little more sturdy tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the good advise. Left it alone and it worked out so far.
Well I finished growing out my birds and I have some to rehome .I have crossbred light Sussex with brown leghorn( 2 pullets and a Cockerel) ; one black Pullet (light Sussex and cuckoo Marans) ; 4 or 5 purebred light Sussex Pullets. Let me know if you are interested in them. I need to get them out of here. Chanteclers coming in August.
Hi everyone - it's been awhile!
Anyone need a moveable hoop coop? BEST. COOP. EVER. Currently listed on philly CL.

Also need to rehome our current layers. We have 2 separate flocks.
- flock 1 = welbar (1), crested cream legbars (5), blue maran (1), copper maran (1)
All from @dheltzel stock
- flock 2 = australorp, ameraucana, rhode island red, rhodebar (dheltzel), red splash & black sex-link

Let me know if anyone is interested!
I am sending you a PM
Anyone have a tractor design they would recommend, that's not very complex?

It would need to be predator proof. I'd like it for the more delicate girls -- Silkies & Cochins.
I have built 6 tractors over the years (4 still in use), and this is my current design: How to make a hoop tractor
This one is 10 x 12, but I have 2 that are just 8x8 and they work very well too. All predator protection is by making the wiring very tight and adding movable apron skirting around the perimeter. I have switched to 1/2" HW cloth on all non-tarped areas to keep the starlings out and coons from reaching in.
If I were making just one, I might also electrify it with a solar fencer (with a convenient on/off switch). I'd still do the wire apron and would make that, and the metal structure the ground, so I wouldn't have to move the ground rod.
I might also add a trail cam or remote video surveillance feed, so I could capture a pic of the foxes and coon as they get "a charge" out of the fencer.

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