Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

If anyone is interested in breeding a rare, heritage breed, and has some extra room, I would give you a pair of BB Red Cubalayas or Cuckoo Dumpys. I only have one pullet of each breed and would prefer they go with their roos to someone that will attempt to breed them and sell their offspring to get them into wider distribution. These came from Sand Hill. If there are no takers, I will try to find room for them, but if someone is interested, let me know.
A couple of my red sex links look rough so I bought some "Fether Fixer" as it was the only thing with a higher protein. How do you suggest I feed it? I would guess that my littles don't need it but how do I feed half the flock?!

In other news. The rooster needs to go. And I think my beautiful CL cross cockerel is going to go to Green Dragon this week. Give him a chance to be in someone's flock and not in my crock pot.
I had to google the Green Dragon --it is only an hour away! I found lots of information on the farmer's market part--but when is the auction and how does that work?
I have a few young chickens from Sand Hill that I have decided to sell. If anyone here is interested, I will give you first dibs. These were all hatched on 8/21
2 buff minorcas (white eggs)
1 pair black breasted red cubalaya (light brown eggs)
3 - 5 (haven't counted pullets, but there are 9 total) welsummers. These are not colored correctly for a welsummer, but I expect they will lay dark brown eggs anyway. I wanted Welsummers from Sand Hill, but his roo got eaten and the replacement he got is throwing poorly colored chicks that I can't use as breeders.

Dennis the Sandhill Minorca that I got from you on April 4th is a fantastic layer. She went broody once, then bounced back in days. Our Orpington and Welbar take 2/3 weeks after going broody to lay again. The Minorca laid 27 eggs in September, and 11 this month so far. She has 41 eggs total this year. Blue Laced Red Wyandotte also from April 4th is checking out the nesting boxes every day.
I think this Saturday is freezer camp day for the 3 little (not so little anymore) roos from this year's hatch. They're getting too big and roo-ey. Not mean, at least not to people. But starting to be rapey and I don't want that. Dupli will probably stay, he's a good roo.
Time to play catch up, now that I woke up super early... :)

I have a few young chickens from Sand Hill that I have decided to sell. If anyone here is interested, I will give you first dibs. These were all hatched on 8/21
2 buff minorcas (white eggs)
1 pair black breasted red cubalaya (light brown eggs)
3 - 5 (haven't counted pullets, but there are 9 total) welsummers. These are not colored correctly for a welsummer, but I expect they will lay dark brown eggs anyway. I wanted Welsummers from Sand Hill, but his roo got eaten and the replacement he got is throwing poorly colored chicks that I can't use as breeders.

I would take some of these if they could be sexed. Can't have any more Roos, I am already planning rehoming some of these young boys.

Thank you Aurora! Iris LOVES her new apron and it is doing exactly what I had hoped. In this picture you can see how amazingly fast the new feathers are coming in.
View attachment 1165609

Just wait until you have friends and family that come over and see them. People are always wondering why my chickens have "coats" on. Haha!

Hey guys! I'm alive! (Sorta) Have a kidney stone that won't pass no matter what I do, but more importantly my girls are finally laying! I lost a few more chickens (including Mississippi :( ) but other than that most of them are doing okay.

I do have a kinda small problem though. I have one of my girls inside, she doesn't feel like she's egg bound, but she is walking rather wobbly. She's been eating like a champ and trying to drink what she can (she has to lay down to eat) but today she's got what I think is a nose bleed?? Nobody looked like they were picking on her, but I honestly can't tell if she's going through a rough molt or just having a rough patch or if she's just dehydrated. (her skin seems so). So she's inside with some food and water and rest until she's feeling better, I'm keeping an eye on her so I can make sure she doesn't get egg bound. God this is weird.

So sorry to hear about your kidney stone, that sounds just awful.

How is your chicken doing? Anything different, any improvement?

Angel is a chicken, a bantam splash silkie. I was going that she might find her little one this evening but it didn't happen. She was up on the roost with everyone when I ticked them in for the night. That baby was such a sweet little thing :(

Looks like it could be ameraucana. Mine lay pretty, pale blue eggs.

I have about 5 fertile turkey eggs just sitting here in my basket that are taunting me. I can't set them, hubby would freak out. Anyone want them? I'm not sure which crazy hen is laying right now but someone started up again. If not, they will be going in to the chocolate chip gobs I'm making later this week.

This LA I think is laying the softest pale blue eggs, I think. I've never seen her do it, but she's about of age and it seems like a new different egg from the ones I have seen.

That is definitely a lavender Ameraucana. Shade of blue can vary quite a lot, I think the lavenders tend to lay more greenish eggs, so you have a winner there if she is laying a bright blue egg.

Not bright blue, very soft. Almost white, I would say. Very cool indeed. She was a surprise!

I think this Saturday is freezer camp day for the 3 little (not so little anymore) roos from this year's hatch. They're getting too big and roo-ey. Not mean, at least not to people. But starting to be rapey and I don't want that. Dupli will probably stay, he's a good roo.

That's a hard thing to do. A good rooster is such a help, and just having one will make things much more calm.
I had to google the Green Dragon --it is only an hour away! I found lots of information on the farmer's market part--but when is the auction and how does that work?

The hay and straw auction is every Friday at 10 am. The animal sale starts at 6:30 pm. I can't remember what time you bring the animals. I work late on Fridays a lot so I don't get there too often. I don't like to go to the auction in the summer because I feel bad for the animals with the heat. They do have fans but it's still hot. Sometimes the auction runs till like 1 am!
Mama chicken with her 5 "babies" on the left. Lol!


If anyone is interested in breeding a rare, heritage breed, and has some extra room, I would give you a pair of BB Red Cubalayas or Cuckoo Dumpys. I only have one pullet of each breed and would prefer they go with their roos to someone that will attempt to breed them and sell their offspring to get them into wider distribution. These came from Sand Hill. If there are no takers, I will try to find room for them, but if someone is interested, let me know.
I hope someone takes you up on this offer. I would love a Dumpy, but can't have a roo and they really need to be bred. I googled the Cubalayas and they are really beautiful--both breeds are supposed to be good layers and friendly!
Does anyone know anything about surveys and the different colored ribbons? I was waking around this evening and noticed some new, blue ribbons tired on some trees near our property line to the side of our house. They were about 15' or so in to our property from where we were told our property line is. If you follow them, they would make a straight line right through my chicken coop.... this makes me a bit uncomfortable since I don't know what they mean. There are pink ribbons tied to trees directly on our property line across the back of our house. Anyone have any thoughts?

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