Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Guess it worked...

We should have coordinated, I have a bunch of SPR eggs due Sunday night to Monday night. Could have given you a few to transplant. We only have 2 hens waiting.... The 3rd hen (Pidgy) gave up sitting 4 days ago and just decided to steal another pair of hens' chicks for herself, weird thing is that those chicks are 6 weeks old, but Pidgy is full out brooding them now, much to the real mom's consternation. But Pidgy is senior hen in that coop (8+ y/o) so no arguing with her. Guess Pidgy decided age has it's benefits, and shortcutting the broody thing is her chosen benefit, lol.

I am debating on sneaking a couple of new chicks under her Monday night to see if we can swap her to the youngsters instead... worth a shot at least. The chicks she stole are about ready to not have a broody anyway, and I hate to waste her brood on started chicks.
At this time, no eggs have hatched. I couldn’t exactly candle them during the day, but they are all lightweight. No wiggling or peeping though. :caf Only you would have pullets that were broody right after starting to lay.
Let me try this one more time!
I likely have babies in the coop. All three girls are waiting for the blessed event.
The two pullets from Steven are leaving tomorrow, and that means the two cockerels are leaving too.
At this time, no eggs have hatched. I couldn’t exactly candle them during the day, but they are all lightweight. No wiggling or peeping though. :caf Only you would have pullets that were broody right after starting to lay.
Yep, they start sitting as pullets... If no chicks by the weekend let me know and I can give you a few SPR tuesday if our hatch works out, unless you were wanting a different breed, RK may have day olds you could use also.
Hatch Day today, our first!! 4 chicks so far! All look to be Danny’s (the Easter Egger roo), none of Hero’s yet. They are all reddish, 3 have the Easter Egger head stripe. Anybody know if red color dominates black?




The first 2 I think are Easter Egger/Light Brahma. The third (the darkish one) is totally unknown father-wise, mom is Cochin. The fourth is 1/2 Marans, father unknown.

Still praying poor Hero left me some babies!🥰✝❤

Correction: I just removed the first 4 eggshells. I’ve got 1 Marans, 2 Cochin, and I think a Rhode Island Red or a Brahma. Father is Easter Egger. Still waiting for a Jersey Giant baby!:fl❤✝
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