Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I shoveled snow out of my chicken run this morning. I've never had to do that before this year, and now I've done it twice! I put plastic over a lot of it in preparation, as always, but the snow still blew right in and piled up everywhere.

Between this weekend and the rooster currently living in my basement (frostbite), I'm ready for spring! (Okay, it's mostly the rooster. I reeeeally want him out!)
English Orpingtons for our Big Birds! One of the reasons, I started with chickens is my little boy REALLY wanted to hold a bird--and my canaries were not thrilled. I have three English now, and the biggest--Lady Grey --came from a wonderful board member here. She is easily twice the size of my other chickens (Lady Grey, not her breeder,lol!) --and even though my little boy isn't so little anymore--she gets held a lot!
We got a good bit...I didn't measure though. What's crazy is that I was completely dissapointed with the storm on Monday as we had only gotten like 5" or so at that time. The roads were clear and school was canceled (supposed to be their first day back). Tuesday, kids only had a 2 hour delay, roads were AWFUL and it snowed nonstop all day. I swear we got at least 8 inches yesterday! It was really fun picking up my son after his swim meet around 10pm :/ We almost got stuck on our hill and slid multiple times going down and coming back and my AWD is usually like a tank in the snow!

Anyone hear anything about the weekend yet? I heard a rumor about another possible snowstorm. I read that the blizzard of '93 formed under the same conditions.....
Has it been that long? Whew! NJ had 24 storms that year, including on our birthdays in April!
Being on the swim team is actually a really good thing. My sisters made thousands as lifeguards at summer camp as teenagers (16 and older), and even in their forties they occasionally take a weekend gig at a YMCA or an occasional hotel.
ETA. One sister did it in college too. You know that sounds enticing! Get that kid certified!
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First, my RSL began laying again today! :wee I wasn’t expecting anyone to start back until March!
I sincerely can’t understand something. How is it only one SPR pullet began in December? After two months, I thought the other three pullets would have started too.
We just for DS off for swim practice.... most of the roads are completely clear but the main road at the top of our hill is down to 1 lane in a couple sections with thick, slippery snow in the road. It runs across the ridge top and last night they had the giant snow blower up there widening it and cutting the drifts back..... except they blew all the snow to the right and the wind always blows FROM the right. Now it's worse than it was

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