Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I've never had buff orpingtons but I have English orpingtons and they're easily one of my favorite breeds. They're huge and such friendly birds. EEs can vary widely since they're just colored egg laying mixes but are generally gentle and friendly. Speckled Sussex tend to be very sweet and beautiful. Legbars are beautiful and good layers though most of the ones I had tended to be more skittish. That's about the extent of my input from your list :)
Strange thing about the legbars is although they are a little nervous, they always loves to fly to my arm and perch there. In other words, human friendly! The Oliver eggers (legbar and Welbar cross) are even better yet, since they are less flighty and even more friendly. I miss little Molly, who was such a sweet lap chicken.
I find Legbars to be very calm, not at all like a typical Leghorn. But when I had Mille Fleur Leghorns, they were calm also. I see little difference in personality between a Legbar, Welbar, Ameraucana or Marans. The hens are ALL underfoot when I walk into the pen. I seriously have to be careful I don't injure them by stepping on them. Roosters are a little different story. There the Marans are the ones that are easiest to approach and catch. The feral ones I can often just pick up when they are following me around the farm. Got a tom turkey that shadows me to look for food also.
Calico Creek is where I get my feed! I shop regularly at the Walmart there also.
I’m having trouble finding poults this year. The Rural King always had them, but they don’t expect them this year. I gave up on the woman I gave the Bourbons to when I went back on the road with my husband. The understanding was that I would get poults if I ever returned to the house. She hem hawed for a few years about them not laying, or she ate the eggs, and finally stopped answering back.
Guess what's falling in to my incubator tonight!!!


Not mine, hatching for a friend, but still excited!!
You know they are incubated at a lower temp than chickens eggs, right? Just didn't want you to find out too late. They can be tougher to hatch than other poultry.

Yep. I have them alone in my hova bator at 97° right now. I'm trying to slowly get it up to 97.5° but I know they're ok at this temp so I'm not going to push it too hard. I do need to work to get the humidity up a little higher though. I'm stuck at 20%
Yep. I have them alone in my hova bator at 97° right now. I'm trying to slowly get it up to 97.5° but I know they're ok at this temp so I'm not going to push it too hard. I do need to work to get the humidity up a little higher though. I'm stuck at 20%
We put a 1lb deli container (cheap clear plastic dish about 2.5" high) in with warm water and a wadded up paper towels sticking up out of it. Paper towels act like a wick and to increase surface area and being humidity up.
If you end up with too much humidity remove the paper towels to decrease the surface area.

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