Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Pics of the BLRW boys..
They are doing their grow-out thing. They will be 3 months on the 10th.
"Mor'du" is still a bit orange, he is slowly getting a better color change going.
He is my boy & he getsa little jealous if I start to give "Trouble" too much attention. I have to watch that. He lets me do anything to him.
"Trouble" is looking very nice color wise. He just isn't as personable as Mor'du., but I am working with him on that. He has always been a bit more not as "touchy-feely", hahaha..

The hormones haven't kicked in yet, although Mor'du did try to step up on the Maran the other day. Don't know if he actually tried to "do" something or if it was a oops, I stepped on you, but it looked like he was trying to "do" something..hahaha
She gave him a what-for about it too!!! :duc :lau
Nothing serious though, no noises from any of them yet.
We are expecting anything from anyone at anytime though.
Have a great rest of your Thursday.
I may even share some of these pics over on the Wyandotte threads for a real beating, hahaha!!





His tail is crazy....he has alot of growing to do ..



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Livestock swap tomorrow morning, 8-5-23 at Tyrone Milling in Tyrone, PA from 9am-1pm (most people fizzle out by 11 or 12 though). We had over 30 vendors last month. It was great!
You know those pallet shelves in the seasonal department of Lowes? Ask your local store if they will give you one or ten. Granted I got mine from an employee, but she said they are giving them away. The six she picked up were for succulents. She said more will be tossed out after Halloween.
They are great for brooding several groups together, as storage shelves (like for canned goods in the cellar), or even rows of compost.

Btw, the Clearfield TSC probably still sells pallets for $1. I saw a member mention being in that area.
You know those pallet shelves in the seasonal department of Lowes? Ask your local store if they will give you one or ten. Granted I got mine from an employee, but she said they are giving them away. The six she picked up were for succulents. She said more will be tossed out after Halloween.
They are great for brooding several groups together, as storage shelves (like for canned goods in the cellar), or even rows of compost.
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Btw, the Clearfield TSC probably still sells pallets for $1. I saw a member mention being in that area.
Very nice shelves! I was thinking to make winter snow shelters with tarps on them. Will check our lowes! Thanks for the information!

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