Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

just fyi-------------I checked the famous "poop chart" as you all recommended..................and I think what I am seeing is in the normal category!

thanks for your guidance to the chart!
..isn't it crazy what is "normal??" yuck!
Canning (or even just jarring without processing) peppers, garlic or herbs in oil provides the perfect environment for botulism to grow. If you want marinated peppers in oil, just make enough that you can store in the fridge.
thank you....I don't know how she "did" it, but they were good.
Hey folks:

My microscope arrived today...always like new toys...need some slides and covers...
big_smile.png toys!!! cool!!
Says the woman who got me to take a rooster. (beautiful boy, by the way. Sweet deep crow, too)
you poor, poor dear...., she is always picking on us...
Ooo! Great news! I was able to get roofing paper and shingles from a friend who had it just sitting around in the garage. It will be a shingle show for me today!

Okay question time! I am looking to get 4 chicks next year (don't have any yet). I really am going to be sticking to that number, simply because our yard is small and we couldn't accommodate any more with out disturbing the neighbors. Should I make 2 nest boxes or only one? I am leaning towards two, but please let me know what you guys would suggest! Thanks!
always go bigger! learning the hard way
...and as far as the #4 goes..ummm, yeah..good luck with that....
.......and yes BLARNEY, you are right!!!

you know the real kicker is..mine don't use them at all! Now, that might change in the colder temps., when they won't go out, but to know those girls....eggs will be every where BUT the nest boxes!!
Seen that before, it always makes me laugh!!

Make sure you have room to expand lol I started with 6 and now I have 8
Still doing better than me...I was only going to get 6 this past spring, look at my sig as to how well that turned out... But I have lots of room to expand, and build.
Thanks everybody, I will go with two nest boxes. And I am going to try to stick to four chooks, for now...

I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, but his made me laugh out loud!

Yea, I'm stealing this one LOL.
We caught a possum on the trail cam. I've seen tons of raccoons and skunks around here but never a possum. I knew they existed, just not so close to my coop. Wondering now if that is what ate our last leghorn. The last time a raccoon got to our coop the chickens were torn to pieces but nothing was eaten. The leghorn had its insides eaten and head torn off. I will try to upload pics from the trail cam when I get to my computer. I'm on the iPad now.

Those of you with goats can you post a picture of your housing set up so I can show the hubby. Also, if I'm providing tons of brush, 8 acres, what else should I feed them. I'm totally new to this and the info online is overwhelming! Do both sexes have horns? How do you dehorn? Thanks in advance for all your help!

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