Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Here's a heart warmer for yas:
Ok one way to tell you shouldn't have as much to drink at dinner: Come home from dinner with your Dad and son to find one of the unplanned hatches under the nest boxes, cold and not moving. Instead of your normal "It's nature's way," you decide to give it emergency resp and compressions, and rub it to warm/stimulate it. Now not only do you get it breathing, but it is up and moving/eating/drinking.
Here I was planning to NOT get attached...I'm sticking to the Dr. Feelgood (tastes like Dr Pepper) at the local rib place from now on, no more pumpkin martinis...
I can SOOOOOOOOOOO picture you doing that!!!
Hey guys!
Slimming down some of my flock, I'm going into keeping 1 breeding pen, and getting rid of my laying flock.

6 month old blue cochin rooster $5

18 month old silver laced wyandotte (some feather loss from previous rooster, starting to molt, still laying) $10

18 month old barred rock (starting to molt, laying decreasing but still getting some eggs) $10

Sorry not be best pictures, they don't want to sit still! Lol
I'm located in spring grove (York,pa) and I do travel to Lebanon once a month for daughters 4h. Thanks!

Wish I lived closer.
I can SOOOOOOOOOOO picture you doing that!!!
I flipping did!!! All the little stinkers and the mommas are in the brooding room in the house and I have the last egg that was beginning to zip tucked safely in my bra (as the chicks were pecking it)... It's official, I am either drunk or crazy...maybe both???
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Not cold or cough. He's been having stomach pains and diarrhea since he was 14 years old. He is 16 now. Finally got the doctor tod run the right tests last year and found out his gall bladder was no good and had it removed that summer. After the surgery he did ok for maybe a week and them he was vomiting and diarrhea after everything he ate and drank and very bad pains again. My friend who had her gall bladder out said to tell the GI doctor its bile reflux. He is on medication for that. Was doing great and was able to back to school this year. He hasn't been to school this entire month. He has horrible diarrhea and severe abdominal pain again. Immodium isn't helping. He says he feels like he is dying with the pain. He says it urts to eat. Doctor says it's IBS now. That's what they say when they don't know what's wrong.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I don't have a clue about what's wrong, but I agree with the Crohn's idea. (BTW, have any of you heard they are treating Crohn's, a bacterial infection called C. Diff., and other issues with a Poop pill? It is what it sounds like healthy poo from another healthy person, usually family member! Share the love! Haha). Totally went off topic...

Anyways Barbiegirl, be your son's health advocate and trust your instincts. :confused:g I was quite sick early this year (had to stop working) and I had to switch Drs. to find one that would listen to me, because I knew what was wrong, but my previous Doctor would not listen (even though the treatment was harmless!).

Chicken question: Has anyone heard of the "Cottage Hill" line of Black Copper Marans? I have the opportunity to buy some in the spring. They are a bit more expensive, but I don't mind if they are a good strong line. Even if egg production isn't super high. :)
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I don't have a clue about what's wrong, but I agree with the Crohn's idea. (BTW, have any of you heard they are treating Crohn's, a bacterial infection called C. Diff., and other issues with a Poop pill? It is what it sounds like healthy poo from another healthy person, usually family member! Share the love! Haha). Totally went off topic...

Anyways Barbiegirl, be your son's health advocate and trust your instincts. :confused:g I was quite sick early this year (had to stop working) and I had to switch Drs. to find one that would listen to me, because I knew what was wrong, but my previous Doctor would not listen (even though the treatment was harmless!).

Chicken question: Has anyone heard of the "Cottage Hill" line of Black Copper Marans? I have the opportunity to buy some in the spring. They are a bit more expensive, but I don't mind if they are a good strong line. Even if egg production isn't super high.


Never heard of 'Cottage Hill', but have seen them referenced by other folk....'Bev Davis' is another one of those referenced breeders...I got two 12wk pullets at H&H in the summer(they claimed from the Davis lines). They are 10mins South of Harrisburg. They were $13.00 each....they mentioned their lines were laying #6-#8s...mine should be close to laying age though the roo hasn't show too much interest in them yet...jmo, but I think birds are a lot more expensive in the spring than if you wait a two cents....and if you really want to go local, I think Blarney is breeding them...
Gavin at his school's Halloween parade yesterday, first year he's been a ninja and he goes for the gold one from Lego Ninjago...

And to keep it chicken related, got our first Serama egg yesterday. The one on the right is from our OEGB Stitch.
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Well, we got the news yesterday... My grandfather has prostate cancer and it's a fast moving mass. They have to do radiation treatments to shrink it and then go from there. So - two family members with cancer. One (pap) terminal and one (grandpap) not, as far as we know. We'll see how grandpap's prostate reacts to treatment.

In other news, yesterday was productive. I finally got my pens done in the shed! Sadly, I need more. At least 2 more.

One 5x4', one 6x5' and one 3.5x5' pen! Now, I need to put a 4x6 and a 4x4 on the other side.

And I got birds in them!
First official black Cochin x chocolate Orp pen!

These are my Buff Columbian looking bantam Cochins (they are part of my Mille Fleur project)!

My US SOP bantam Orps - I swore I kept 7, not 5. Oh well. I have a 100% English bantam black Orp for these girls. Sadly, his leg is injured and he's not getting better. The swelling is gone in his hock, but he still won't put weight on it. Hopefully he shows more improvement soon. I'd hate to put a chocolate roo over them... That wasn't my plan.

After all the construction, we took the kids to Millville's Halloween Parade and went trick-or-treating. The parade was crappy. The trick-or-treating was good. I love the fact that Millville is small enough not to overload the kids with junk but gives them enough to last a bit, too... Even after Dewey and I raid the good stuff first.
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