Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Looks like it might be a red sex-link roo.
Our road is closed ... didn't expect it till tomorrow

Be careful out there! We are getting the rain also, but doesn't seem as bad here compared to what many of you are saying, I think we are getting off lightly here on my ridge... I can't imagine what the folks in the south and central part of the country are going through with the horrible tornados they are having...
I am finding leaks also, mine are minor so far, spring rains with the wind sure does find things that I didn't see.

Found one slow drip where shingles meets the clear roof panels we put in for light, so will have to reseal (on a much warmer day!) If there is anyone in your area who does the metal roofing you should stop by their office/storage yard and ask what they do with their left overs and damaged pieces. Some will sell their seconds for cheap, The good sheets are often like 16 or 20 foot long but if they get a bend or kink they can't use them. So they sometimes have them available, you just have to cut out the parts which are still good, so you need a good saw or tin snips...we also got a pile of the divider plastics for free (think half the thickness of the metal roofing made out of a plastic resin, otherwise same shape, contour and dimensions). It probably wouldn't wear well enough to be primary roofing on a permanent structure but would be great for making summer shade structures, 'run under structures' and my favorite use... cover for good building supplies to keep the weather off. Basically anything you would use a heavy tarp for, you just can't fold them.
Scary guy to scare a bear off..

With that kind of wildlife, you could survive for. Long time with no grocery store,,,what does bear taste like ?

I know they are dangerous to us and the chickens but I like watching the bear's and the fox and most other wildlife,,,,,, which is why I have someone else trapping and very seldom tells me what he gets
Bear (of the size of this one) is strong, gamey and greasy... but it would be OK as jerky. We do our best to avoid conflicts with local wildlife... I know they are around and have no problem with them, I enjoy watching them also, but I don't want them in the yard... usually we have no problem but the neighbors are turning the horse field behind their garage into a garbage dump, some trash they burn but food scraps and bones are strewn all over. Now we have seen signs of rats (for the first time in 12 years here) and now the bear is sniffing around...
I just don't want one of our dogs going out in the yard at night to do their thing and find a bear headed to or from the neighbors garbage pile.

For the first time all winter long, I can say " I really do not feel good, and just want to go to bed ". Yea, that's not gonna happen...

Wish me luck, I gonna need it for this day..

Ohhh... so sorry you are under the weather! Drink some warm jello water (whatever your favorite flavor) and spend a few extra hours in bed!
oh sorry...fingers are crossed that tarp works!!!!

..please feel better....
..good grief!!...glad nothing was broken into!!

Thanks! Luckily once the birds are in the coop they are pretty safe, but it does send chills to think that thing was within 2 ft of one of my broodies and her babies, seperated only by a 2x4 wall and an entry door.... I think we may fashion a 2x6 beam to drop into keepers across door to prevent it from ripping it open, it is about the only vulnerable point on the coop I can think of.
somad.gif sorry.
hmm.png tired of this stuff...really. My body is done with it too
try to stay dry all....have some house work to attend
...doggie foot prints everywhere & "tumble-hairballs"...they are shedding...pomeranian puffs!
Hope your housework was relatively uneventful.... the shedding and muddy footprints are about the worst part of spring... an every day battle!
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The BCM I hatched had black-dark  combs for a very longs obviously Chicka's comb & waddles are red. Your birds look like her..except for the red combs...:confused: ..sorry, should have just kept quiet....

So, are you saying males or females? Lol I am confused.... (Which doesn't take much!)

Yea, LMP has a way of doing that....sometimes I believe she is holding a conversation with herself and just typing it......that brain of her's bounces all over the place......but we gotta love her........

No backhanding me LMP, my head hurts to much

And I do see 2 rooster's, that second one has really large red wattles.
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Yes I am playing hooky..
Came home for hubby to change clothes and a cup of coffee..

Makes sense to me, take off of work cause you feel like crap, then spend the evening out in the rain taking care of animals,,,,least no one can say that I am not dedicated to the farm, cause mother nature is kicking my tush today
Yea, LMP has a way of doing that....sometimes I believe she is holding a conversation with herself and just typing it......that brain of her's bounces all over the place......but we gotta love her........

No backhanding me LMP, my head hurts to much

And I do see 2 rooster's, that second one has really large red wattles.

Lol lol lol lol

But bummer about the rooster thing, these need to be pullets... I can't have roosters in town ,I have a feeling no amount of free eggs and honey would appease the neighbors for the early wake up, afternoon call, and general rooster crowing!
Yes I am playing hooky..
Came home for hubby to change clothes and a cup of coffee..

Makes sense to me, take off of work cause you feel like crap, then spend the evening out in the rain taking care of animals,,,,least no one can say that I am not dedicated to the farm, cause mother nature is kicking my tush today

Wing, you need to take a break! If you don't give yourself a chance to rest you will end up majorly sick and then you will be down and out twice as long!

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