Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Did you see bubbles when you stirred it, sounds like the fermentation process starting, but again, my nose does not work so I have no clue what it should smell like.......

No at first it looked like a loaf after 12 hours, then I stirred it, and the same the next day, but when I stirred it was when it really stunk.... then yesterday it smelled bad and I just don't know what to do, I don't want to feed bad feed to my babies.

It is hard to judge without seeing,
Mine looks like a cupcake top every morning, I do not add as much water as others do, I have no time for the draining.....when I scoop it out it has a co sistncy of oatmeal....
Can you post a pic or two
Well good news (I hope). I found very few feathers in the brooder this morning. Nobody's bald spots look any bigger and I haven't seen anyone scratching or itching this morning. Just normal preening so far :) let's hope I nipped this in the butt quickly lol
Did you see bubbles when you stirred it, sounds like the fermentation process starting, but again, my nose does not work so I have no clue what it should smell like.......

No at first it looked like a loaf after 12 hours, then I stirred it, and the same the next day, but when I stirred it was when it really stunk.... then yesterday it smelled bad and I just don't know what to do, I don't want to feed bad feed to my babies.

It will smell strong when you stir. Quickest way to tell if ferment is working: stir, add hot water to cover the top of the feed, wait 10 minutes, bump the bucket & see if bubbles come up. The more bubbles you get the better the ferment is going.
Better late than never....

Good morning everyone! Busy day here! enjoy your weekend/s!
The babies survived their first night out. They were all huddled in a corner of the pen and not in the upside down dog house. Animals are weird.

My chooks had their first night last night. Everything went fine too. Glad to hear your did well!

Thats what my original crew did for the first few nights when they went out last spring....stupid birds....

They are pretty stupid. I just put my girls in the coop on the perch and shut the door. I'm hoping it only takes a few days for them to get the hang of it. :D


Just get cold hardy birds and give them an area that protected and they'll do fine...they birds have been around along time, they are tougher that they two cents...

I agree!

Anybody ever have this happen?

One of my BOs has stopped laying ....she seems really, I have caught her three times doing the rooster dance, with the wing display...I also heard her making noises like a roo leading girls to food for my baby chooks which had their first outdoor play date yesterday...has me scratching my head...otherwise she seems normal in all activities...

BTW, my big roo does the dance for the junior roo too....maybe all of my birds have gone nuts?

I want to see the Roo dance! Can we have a live demonstration Stake? :lol:

The wing tipping is a dominance show thing, mostly associated with roosters but I have seen hens do it, though rarely.  The noise over food is one we hear a lot of from the broodies, it is like a 'pook, pook, pook, took, took, took'.... with pitch, speed and intensity changing based on how good the treats are that they found.  BOs are known to be broody types so it wouldn't surprise me to hear of her taking youngsters under her wing.  If she does you will be a happy camper, because it will give the newbies a great 'in' for the rest of the flock to have a hen babysitting them.
I'm not sure about her not laying, could be 2 or 3 things
.... check her feathers for signs of molting, some birds do spring molt and it would cause her to stop laying
.... check her underside below the vent for signs of distention to see if she could be internally laying
.... check her chest to see if she has begun plucking a broody patch, she may be in the beginning stages of going broody, stick a medium dog crate into a corner of the coop somewhere or fix up a floor nest somewhere with some fake eggs in it and show her... she may decide she wants to set.

We have multiple roosters, and they wing tip each other frequently (except the lowest 2, they would get beat up if they try!)

:pop. Wing tipping? Please explain what this looks like. A live demonstration is okay too. :lol:

No at first it looked like a loaf after 12 hours, then I stirred it, and the same the next day, but when I stirred it was when it really stunk.... then yesterday it smelled bad and I just don't know what to do, I don't want to feed bad feed to my babies.

No experience here, but it sounds like your gut (and your nose) is saying to dump this and try again. It will cost more to medicate and or replace your flock than to toss some bad feed.

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