Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

This is going to sound like a really dumb question but I have to ask it anyway. I'm still unsure of my 2 silkies are pullets or cockerels. Thera been no crowing and since they're bad quality, I can't even compare them to each other (one has walnut comb the other a single comb). Well today I saw one of my cockerels try to mate with the one (who promptly squealed and ran away). Does that mean for sure that she's a she since he was trying? Lol . I even feel stupid asking that lol.

In other news, everyone just turned 5 weeks old on Saturday and again, egg demand has increased. Now, not only do we have all the neighbors, family (including extended), and friends waiting for eggs but now our neighbor down the other way, who already has chickens is asking for hatching eggs lol. I guess he has a Broody who is determined to hatch, he wants easter eggers, and he has no roos. At this rate, we won't have any eggs for ourselves! We have 13 girls (if both silkies are girls that is) and I hope they're almost ready to roll lol.

We had a young rooster who happened to have the misfortune of looking very similar to one of our silkie mix hens.... well the older roosters frequently tried 'jumping' him for the first few weeks he when he got to be the same size as the little hen, I think she appreciated the break but the poor little rooster was pretty freaked out!

So mistaken identity can happen, though in our case it was because of similar appearance and over eager roosters, not detected hormones. Silkies are notoriously difficult to figure out until they either crow or lay an egg. So it may be a while, since they often are rather slow to mature also.

I know someone who has EEs in the Cherry Tree area if hatching eggs are needed.... I'm not sure what area you are in or how close the neighbor is... let me know if you want to make the connection.
oh..forgot to add...I got my "beekeeping" catalog today!!!!:clap ....looking through this thing is making me excited!!! :weee :celebrate ...hahahaha, doesn't take much these days! :lol:

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....beekeeping catalog.....:D We currently have 2supers of honey on our table ready to be strained and a possible third coming off the hive in a week or so......the house smells of honey.... :eek:
23 new little chicks sleeping peacefully. Sleeping babies are so calming to watch. I think it should be called "chicken therapy".

Along those lines, anyone in SE PA want some chicks? I have a dozen Easter Eggers and 3 New Hampshires (so far) that need a new home. PM me if you are interested.
I may be interested depending on the fox situation. I am not adding to her buffet just yet. Other than the 3 ducks, but Gordon scares me,
So I hope they will be ok.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....beekeeping catalog.....
We currently have 2supers of honey on our table ready to be strained and a possible third coming off the hive in a week or so......the house smells of honey....
I was thinking about doing this as well! But figured I had enough going on, maybe if the BF keeps getting raises at work I could 1 day quit my job and do even more!
We had a young rooster who happened to have the misfortune of looking very similar to one of our silkie mix hens.... well the older roosters frequently tried 'jumping' him for the first few weeks he when he got to be the same size as the little hen,  I think she appreciated the break but the poor little rooster was pretty freaked out! :gig

 So mistaken identity can happen, though in our case it was because of similar appearance and over eager roosters, not detected hormones.   Silkies are notoriously difficult to figure out until they either crow or lay an egg.  So it may be a while, since they often are rather slow to mature also. 

 I know someone who has EEs in the Cherry Tree area if hatching eggs are needed....  I'm not sure what area you are in or how close the neighbor is... let me know if you want to make the connection.

argh, I was afraid of something like that lol. I've been curious about the silkies a lot lately since they've both started getting wattles already and one was singing the egg song but I'd heard about how slow they develope too. I was hopeful that the roo trying to mate really did mean for sure girl lol.

I think cherry tree is nearby. I'll have to flag him down if I see him driving by today. They're only 2 cabins down from us (all that's past us is hunting cabins and he keeps his chickens there). I think he's just interested in free eggs though so who knows. How much would they be for a dozen eggs?
argh, I was afraid of something like that lol. I've been curious about the silkies a lot lately since they've both started getting wattles already and one was singing the egg song but I'd heard about how slow they develope too. I was hopeful that the roo trying to mate really did mean for sure girl lol.

I think cherry tree is nearby. I'll have to flag him down if I see him driving by today. They're only 2 cabins down from us (all that's past us is hunting cabins and he keeps his chickens there). I think he's just interested in free eggs though so who knows. How much would they be for a dozen eggs?

I don't think it would be much at all... probably whatever she sells her eating eggs for, unless there was some really specific requirements... But she doesn't normally sell her eggs as hatching eggs. I will send you a PM for contact info.
We had a young rooster who happened to have the misfortune of looking very similar to one of our silkie mix hens.... well the older roosters frequently tried 'jumping' him for the first few weeks he when he got to be the same size as the little hen, I think she appreciated the break but the poor little rooster was pretty freaked out!

So mistaken identity can happen, though in our case it was because of similar appearance and over eager roosters, not detected hormones. Silkies are notoriously difficult to figure out until they either crow or lay an egg. So it may be a while, since they often are rather slow to mature also.

I know someone who has EEs in the Cherry Tree area if hatching eggs are needed.... I'm not sure what area you are in or how close the neighbor is... let me know if you want to make the connection.
now that is funny...
...mistaken identity at it's best-worst-funniest....hahaha
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....beekeeping catalog.....
We currently have 2supers of honey on our table ready to be strained and a possible third coming off the hive in a week or so......the house smells of honey....
I am really surprised at how 'inexpensive some of the equipment is...I mean, I can not afford it yet,(that's what Christmas is for
), hahaha, relation to just about anything else..not bad for band new. They even have "sets" of things, includes hive & accessories, hat w/ screen, "beekeeping for dummies" book...hahaha, loved that one! ,and a bunch of other necessities....
I am looking forward to this adventure...***Rosie, when things calm down and become more "fixed" for you...i am sure you would do well with this also!
Okay, here are the pictures of the mottleds. I think one may be a pullet. What do you guys think? 5 weeks old.

Bird in question:



I'm pretty sure this one's a cockerel, but I'm asking her just for verification. This one is a 9 week old:



Then here's Mr. Crowsalot 1:


And Mr. Crowsalot 2:


Crowsalot 1 and 2 are up for sale for sure because I'm positive they're boys. $5 ea. :)
Wow, no posts for more than 4 hours. I had to check another site to be sure my internet was still working . . .

This week I passed the 450 chicks hatched mark (out of nearly 700 eggs incubated). Gotta start playing this cool or my family might stage an intervention !
Overall, my hatch rate is ok, but not outstanding. What I have solved is the tendency for some chicks to pip and then die. For the last month or so, almost all the ones that don't hatch either never start to develop or die before even starting to pip. I'm happy with that because I hate to lost a lot that way before. The change I made was to keep the humidity low until lockdown and them crank it up to 80 - 90% for the hatch! I also switched to still air during the actual hatch, no fan running. I think turning the fan off may have been the big benefit.

Just wanted to share my observations to maybe restart the conversation here.
Thats funny my mom wants to do an intervention with me and I only have 4 ducks, 3 dogs. She would probably send me to Western Psych if I get any more

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