Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I'm looking for some info on raising meat birds. Looking at getting 25 freedom rangers. Is it to late in the year to start to raise them? I want them to "free range" in a 50'x50' fenced in area. What kind of house do they need? I don't have a predator problem, so not worried about locking them up. Do they need roosting bars? I would like to have a self sustaining flock if possible. Please any advice would be great. Seeing as how my husband wants to order them on Monday.

Where are you getting them? I think I'd like 25, are you anywhere near the Southeast? Me could go in on an order, apparently I've got to start filling the freezer again! :th

    Oh, boy.  How long was the door open?  Was the meat just thawed or warm, too?  Any chance you could cook it up, make soup or give it away to be cooked (even made into dog food) rather than throwing it away?
   When we've had power failures if things are thawing quickly, we try to cook as much as we can when the power comes back on (assuming it hasn't been off too long.)
   I feel for you.

The door was open overnight, we discovered it in the afternoon, we cooked A LOT yesterday, most of this morning and I've got some big meals planned for tomorrow. We gave a bunch of stuff away and we did throw some stuff out (vegetables and ham). I did get a bunch of stock and soup back into the freezer.

Wing, I wish I had a pressure canner, I can always ask Santa, it will be second on my list, right next to a barn, and fencing.
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My flock has me confused. Little Cookie (banty) was back in the nest box today for a least an hour making a nest and throwing straw on her back. Did the egg song again and once again came out with no egg. I can understand that she's probably still practicing but now there's Lily, my EE who started laying a few weeks ago. Unless that was her rubber egg yesterday, she hasn't laid in 3 days. She went in the box for a good half hour today, sang like a champ and came out but no egg. Cloud (silkie) has also skipped a couple days. Nothing has changed so why all the problems? They're not Broody and I don't feel any bound eggs and they're only 6 months old so I can't see them being in molt. Any ideas? My 2 golden comets are still laying every morning, no problems, no issues.

Don't worry, they're just messing with ya. My girls did the same thing. There was a lot of posturing before we got any results, and then a few missed days or eggs with out shells. They 'll come around. :hugs

Did my two BBW tonight. He was 45 live, and 35 done. She is 23.

Translate please, I'm confused! :D

Dealing with a 'mishap' here has made everyone grumpy. Someone left the freezer door open in the garage, everything melted. Including the almost 20 meat birds we just had processed, 5 quarts of tomato sauce, ALL the green beans we grew, harvested, processed and froze (up till midnight doing the green beans) along with lots of other stuff. Our homegrown stuff is what hurts the most. The stove top, grill and crock pot have been going non stop and I am ready for a break. My poor son is so aggravated about the meat birds he raised, he doesn't know what to do with himself.

I'm ready for a break. :)

That's terrible! Sorry to hear about that. Certainly puts a kink in your schedule! Best of luck!
So last week my girls got a mole, and yesterday I hear them making funny noises again and they have this poor little critter. One less mouse to catch in the attic!

Where are you getting them? I think I'd like 25, are you anywhere near the Southeast? Me could go in on an order, apparently I've got to start filling the freezer again! :th

The door was open overnight, we discovered it in the afternoon, we cooked A LOT yesterday, most of this morning and I've got some big meals planned for tomorrow. We gave a bunch of stuff away and we did throw some stuff out (vegetables and ham). I did get a bunch of stock and soup back into the freezer.

Wing, I wish I had a pressure canner, I can always ask Santa, it will be second on my list, right next to a barn, and fencing.
Blarney. I might have access to a used pressure canner for sale if you want me to check into it for yoy

Where are you getting them? I think I'd like 25, are you anywhere near the Southeast? Me could go in on an order, apparently I've got to start filling the freezer again! :th

I'm getting them from They are right here in Pa, probably close to you. They are a little over $2.00 each and shipping is only $10.00! That's the best deal I've seen. Most places want around $25.00 or more for shipping. Wished I lived closer, since this is our first time. I'm not ever sure I want all 25. Seems like a lot!
Yep stopped in and checked it out....all I can say is that it is a good thing I am not close to any Rural Kings or i'd be spending way too much money. it is quite the 'little bit of everything ' store.
what no chicks? its a nice store but kinda expensive , ts is cheaper on alot of things, that they both carry, name wise and the local feed store is way cheaper but still, i love to go look
and i noticed they carry the dukes traps, we bought a conibear trap that was reasonable but they had no trap setter, bill had to make one, still will keep going back to shop, expensive or not

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