Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

We have a large dog pen the all the chicks will be in during the day while the hens/ducks free range. We are going to be keeping 1 chick to add to the flock i hope seeing the hen through the fence for a few weeks will help them adjust and accept her more easily.
We have a large dog pen the all the chicks will be in during the day while the hens/ducks free range. We are going to be keeping 1 chick to add to the flock i hope seeing the hen through the fence for a few weeks will help them adjust and accept her more easily.
I don't know the ordinances but I just wanted to say good luck neighbor! I'm not far from you, just outside of Patton :) I'm sure if you just stopped in at the courthouse they could let you know.

Thank you! Something is telling me that 22 chickens in a backyard in ebensburg may not be allowed....fingers crossed though!
Hey, brag away!
I'm usually good at growing most everything else, but basil is not one of them.
This season I have also had a great crop of Kentucky wonders. It must be the season for beans. I can never get watermelons to grow. I have been able to grow a couple of containers of basil this year. I just kept it for the chickens. I find gardening very therapeutic. The plants are my therapists. Hopefully now that I have chickens to help me, I will be able to grow better crops.
well, i know the older i get the more i like to play in the dirt, course i did have a good teacher, my mil could make anything grow, she tried to teach me and some of it did sink in. i find my chickens therapeutic, i sit and watch them, course the half grown ones are the most fun to watch as they run around trying to catch flies
I agree....Green beans have been the only thing doing really well this year (for me) fact, since the chooks haven't shown any interest in eating green beans, I have opened the garden up for the chooks to feast....of course they went directly to the cabbage,,,,
good thing we love green beans, my chickens have to just have to catch what they can in the pasture, no way can they have whats in my garden
well, i know the older i get the more i like to play in the dirt, course i did have a good teacher, my mil could make anything grow, she tried to teach me and some of it did sink in. i find my chickens therapeutic, i sit and watch them, course the half grown ones are the most fun to watch as they run around trying to catch flies


Try??? my girls pick them off at will....its amazing to see....well beyond human hand eye coordination....

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