Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

My husband sucks the marrow off the bone. My family doesn't appreciate it (neither do I, but I am used to it), and I always have to remind him to not do it during holidays. Then again, he honestly teethed on bones.
Warning, Warning...

When asking for beef bones at a butcher shop, just let them go ahead and think that they are for the dog, otherwise they think you are nut's...
Made the mistake of saying , I have no dog, they are for me.... took me half an hour to explain, making broth without meat.....
Seems simple to me but in today's world, guess not.
Your butcher doesn't know bones aren't just for the dogs? I'd be giving stink face if he didn't know bones make an amazing broth. I really need to find a local butcher to get beef bones that are affordable.
Thanks guys. Had to dispatch the turkey today, he was suffering too much. And now for something a little less depressing...

DD#3's birthday present, kindness of Sara Sweatman:




Your butcher doesn't know bones aren't just for the dogs? I'd be giving stink face if he didn't know bones make an amazing broth. I really need to find a local butcher to get beef bones that are affordable.

I remember my mother roasting beef bones in the oven for a couple of hours before making the broth.....usually was used in french onion soup.....
Thanks guys. Had to dispatch the turkey today, he was suffering too much. And now for something a little less depressing...

DD#3's birthday present, kindness of Sara Sweatman:

Sorry you lost your turkey...hope you were able to harvest the bird.....and thats a cute chick....your only a couple of hatches away from full on lawn candy....
I set 10 chicken eggs in the bator.I'm planning a duck house so we can fit more chickens in the chicken coop. Now I see where the chicken math is LOL we currently have 6 hens 1 rooster and 3 duck hens and 1 drake. If all goes good we will have some babies around the 24th. I am thinking of adding some more speckled sussex to our flock as well as a sexlink/SS cross. I am thinking of adding in some silkies. Anyone on here have any eggs? won't be able to incubate them for a few weeks.
I set 10 chicken eggs in the bator.I'm planning a duck house so we can fit more chickens in the chicken coop. Now I see where the chicken math is LOL we currently have 6 hens 1 rooster and 3 duck hens and 1 drake. If all goes good we will have some babies around the 24th. I am thinking of adding some more speckled sussex to our flock as well as a sexlink/SS cross. I am thinking of adding in some silkies. Anyone on here have any eggs? won't be able to incubate them for a few weeks.


I should have a few hatching in a few days, but I think you are too far away....some may know better, but, I think a chick needs to be around 12weeks to deal with frost and freezing two cents.....

I should have a few hatching in a few days, but I think you are too far away....some may know better, but, I think a chick needs to be around 12weeks to deal with frost and freezing two cents.....

Yeah too far for live chicks. I was thinking more of getting fertilized eggs. But if it doesn't work out I will be looking for some in the spring :)
These weren't 12 weeks old and they all survived, but the mother was 50% Oriental Game. What does this remind you of with the hot weather we're having?
My lil English Hen went broody so I gave her 2 blue eggs to try, and she was determined, I found this lil cutie patutie peeking out this morning when I checked on her, the second eggs is hatching under her too

They are adorable!! I do think EEs are about the cutest chicks ever! Who can resist those cheeks? LOL
We lost our first hen this morning. She was attacked by our dogs few days ago. She was fine, just a little weak. We left her with everyone else and nobody was picking on her. She was stressed when we tried to separate her. I checked for eggs at 6:30 and she was still alive and moving. But I usually dont let them out until after 7:30 because of predators. Well I fell asleep until 2..I opened up the coop and she was dead. I think it was the ducks. We house the chickens and ducks together The ducks get the floor of the coop and we have a second floor with perches and such the chickens get. Well I think she injured her leg and she couldn't get on top so she stayed on the floor but near pox, our rooster. There were feathers missing from her. But there was no blood so I dont think it was the chickens. I'm trying hard not to blame myself, but IF I wouldn't have fallen asleep or if I just would have let them out at 6:30 she would still be alive. We were already going to hatch out babies so we will have to replace her. Any ideas on how to introduce just 1 chicken? this would be easier if our sussex would go broody.
So sorry you lost her!

People with quirky hobbies soon learn to give a "reasonable" reason, not the truth. I will never again try to explain to a butcher that the beef heart is to grind up for my tropical fish.

Come to think about it, butchers should learn just not to ask, I bet they get some insane explanations. Of course, I suppose it could be entertaining -- "hey honey, guess that I sold to this lady today . . ."

Gotta agree.... sometimes it is just easier to not open the can of worms! Many folks just don't understand.
Thanks guys. Had to dispatch the turkey today, he was suffering too much. And now for something a little less depressing...

DD#3's birthday present, kindness of Sara Sweatman:

an adorable addition!
I set 10 chicken eggs in the bator.I'm planning a duck house so we can fit more chickens in the chicken coop. Now I see where the chicken math is LOL we currently have 6 hens 1 rooster and 3 duck hens and 1 drake. If all goes good we will have some babies around the 24th. I am thinking of adding some more speckled sussex to our flock as well as a sexlink/SS cross. I am thinking of adding in some silkies. Anyone on here have any eggs? won't be able to incubate them for a few weeks.
If you are including Silkies then you can double the size of your existing coop... silkies take 'chicken math' to a whole new level! I have one little hen who feels it is her personal responsibility to repopulate the chicken world!

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