Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I would love to invest in those "tattler" lids!! can not beat reusable!  Did you pressure can your soup or water bath?....thinking pressure canner...

Hubby pressure cans it, I believe 20 minutes on 11 pounds. If we don't have the time/enough to can we freeze the stock until we are ready for it.
I'm in love with your yard / garden set up! I'm not a good gardener, unless it is a rock garden that is!
Some year I will do more than the basics but I trade off garden work for fishing in the summer and I'm not going to give up the walleye fishing any time soon!

I'd agree....I hear the walleye in Erie is great....nice to have a fish to catch that isn't a commercial target....most of my saltwater targets are commercially harvested and the recreational guys play second fiddle....
I live in Lewisburg Pa. Does anyone around there have ducklings or goslings for sale?

I have two Pekin ducks 1 is a drake. They are 5 weeks old, we have had them from a day old. I live in east Stroudsburg.
I'd agree....I hear the walleye in Erie is great....nice to have a fish to catch that isn't a commercial target....most of my saltwater targets are commercially harvested and the recreational guys play second fiddle....

It's late in the season now... but if you roam north next summer you are welcome to hitch a ride to try for yourself! We don't limit every trip like some of the old timers, but we do pretty good and have been blessed enough to have been able to share fillets with numerous friends and family! We have a fold out couch and a futon at camp for somewhere to crash....
It's late in the season now... but if you roam north next summer you are welcome to hitch a ride to try for yourself! We don't limit every trip like some of the old timers, but we do pretty good and have been blessed enough to have been able to share fillets with numerous friends and family! We have a fold out couch and a futon at camp for somewhere to crash....


May be tugging on your sleeve next spring....thanks for the offer....

and maybe I could arrange a saltwater trip for you???
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May be tugging on your sleeve next spring....thanks for the offer....

and maybe I could arrange a saltwater trip for you???

We've been known to sneak out to salt water... my family originally from Southern Maryland and still have cousins on the Chesapeake Bay... grew up drifting for flounder and fishing for blues and stripers. I never turn down a day out on the water!
I believe you are the one asking about bone broth, this is how I do it but I have heard of so many different ways.( my grandmother kept a pan of it on he wood stove all winter long and just kept adding to it).
For every pound of bones I add 3 quart of water
Try to get a variety of bones ( marrow bones, knuckles)
Roast at about 350 for an hour or till brown, put in pan with the water, I bing to a boil then turn down to a simmer, add a capful or 2 of ACV. Let simmer on stove or crockpot on low for 24 hours or more, then add veggies, I do a couple of carrots and onions( we do not like celery)I also add some crushed garlic if I have it..I simmer this for another 48 hours or till I have time to deal with it.
Let cool till I can remove the fat then I freeze in ice cube trays and pop them out into a freezer bag. 8 cubes are a cup.

I vary this by what I have on hand, my mother would start this one weekend and finish it the next.

Yes folks, I grew up in those backwoods where chicken soup was considered medicine and tree branches were used for all kinds of things even leg splints.

Almost forgot to say strain the veggies and bones out while it is cooling,
I also take the marrow out of the bones as it is cooking, just because I like it ( it's an acquired taste )
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