Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Nothing amazing here, I have an auto immune disease and chemical exposure is a major trigger,,,,the only way to avoid chemicals in my food is to make it from scratch, and even then it can be hard to tell what was in those original ingredients...
I have a lot less flare ups since I have been paying attention to the food that I eat, it has been a learning curve to not simply go to the store and buy things.

Hubby & I make most everything from scratch as well. I started my real food/clean eating in hopes to improve symptoms of my thyroid problem and now whenever I eat processed food, I suffer. Thankfully, I enjoy the whole DIY/save money thing... MOST of the time :)
Kada, mine are laying outside the coop too, my experience is that the best way to stop it is to find the outside nest and collect the eggs. Which I can't seem to do this time of year with all the overgrowth, so I do keep mine to their coop and run when I need more than a few eggs. I'll break them of this habit when the leaves fall.

@Anneinthesuburbs: Queso Blanco? Recipe please. I have been making a very easy Chevre. I have not been successful with Mozzerella, but did ok with some ricotta.

It's very easy. Tastes bland like Mozzerella, but doesn't stretch.

I am a qualified taste tester, wouldn't want you to bottle bad wine.

Hey Wing, how are those meat birds coming along? :drool
Have lived with it for many year's and only made the chemical connection about 5 year's ago..

Do not get me wrong, I still buy way to much premade food......but every little bit helps.
This is the main reason we started to raise our own meat.

I just think twice now before pulling into McDonalds, that quick meal could cost me way more than a couple bucks....( I still do it anyway)

I send things up to a cousin also, she has lupus to the point of interfering with daily life, she also thinks that avoiding chemicals helps her...
No big thing, just a way of life that is different than most.
we don't eat at mcdonalds either, but we do eat out at least once a week, but i usually eat some kind of meat , like steak, and veggies
, i know i have that alot at home but i get tired of cooking twice a day so on the weekends, bill "cooks", i sometimes get a steak salad, he goes to pick it up, after 45 years i think i can slide on the cooking, altho i understand where you're coming from with the aid
We are on vacation in Ocean City, NJ this week and I am really missing my chickens. My dinner tonight came with a huge piece of butternut squash, I immediately said " oh my girls will like this". My husband thinks I am crazy!
We are on vacation in Ocean City, NJ this week and I am really missing my chickens. My dinner tonight came with a huge piece of butternut squash, I immediately said " oh my girls will like this". My husband thinks I am crazy!

We come home from camp in the middle of vacation weeks to spend some time with the birds and give them a day out of the pen... even though their enclosure area now is about 1800 sq feet they still rush the door to get out! We do have multiple security cameras set up now that we can access through an app on DH's phone... so we check in on the birds multiple times through the day.
Ray I have been collecting small cucumbers for pickles. I have a good amount for you. My kids love pickles. We tried the sour kraut , I loved it, and my youngest son loved it.
I'm slowly recovering from surgery, still very uncomfortable while driving short distance.
Did you see my post about my rooster? His first crow yesterday.
Would you be interested in a Lav Orp hen?
I'm not so sure if I'm going to keep my original two hens. They are very big girls.
Anyone else's chickens prefer to sleep outside the coop? All my Lav Orps sleep outside on a perch instead of in the coop with the rest. I thought it strange.
We come home from camp in the middle of vacation weeks to spend some time with the birds and give them a day out of the pen... even though their enclosure area now is about 1800 sq feet they still rush the door to get out!  We do have multiple security cameras set up now that we can access through an app on DH's phone... so we check in on the birds multiple times through the day.
Your setup sounds amazing! I really wanted to install a security camera in our coop and run before we left but my husband didnt have the to do it. I am terrible with anything technical, unless it's plug it in and go lol. Our neighbors are checking on them multiple times a day, we are very lucky to have wonderful neighbors on both sides of us!

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