Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

BEYOND EXCITED! I candled again tonight (can't help myself) and we could see the babies moving around inside the eggs! The ones we could see into anyway. The kids and I thought it was amazing to see :) only about a week left till we see how many hatch :)
I have an early internal pip on my silkie egg! Today is only day 18 :) Maybe I'll have a fuzzy butt tomorrow night.


Found 2 young hens (hatched Feb/Mar) trying to go broody. We don't get broody hens very often, except for some of the free-ranging hens. I moved them to a cage with next boxes and fake eggs (they were sitting happily of golf balls). IDK if they will stay broody or not. They weren't happy in the cage when I left them. The "broody bunch" Chicken Run - they are not a mean as their expression would indicate, they were just expecting greens and got a flash instead.
Your birds are gorgeous! I love the look of the CCLs, the patterning is so cool. I have a broody that is due to hatch in a day or 2, I need to move her out of my main pen and into her own space... Arrrrgh! All of my brooders are sill filled with the spring and summer hatches, I need to finish building the bigger pens so these birds can be moved. Having the grand sons here all summer has set me a little behind.
Your birds are gorgeous! I love the look of the CCLs, the patterning is so cool. I have a broody that is due to hatch in a day or 2, I need to move her out of my main pen and into her own space... Arrrrgh! All of my brooders are sill filled with the spring and summer hatches, I need to finish building the bigger pens so these birds can be moved. Having the grand sons here all summer has set me a little behind.

Actually, those are Rhodebars, not CCL's. Here are our CCL's:

I kind of think the male Rhodebars are prettier (more colorful at least), but the CCL hens are a bit prettier than the Rhodebar hens (an RB hen is second from the left in the earlier pic, kind of looks like a red sexlink from a few steps away). I hope I have some Welbar hens in the batches I'm hatching now so I can see that they look like (Welbars are Welsummers with sex-linked barring). I expect them to look like the CCL hens but without a crest (and hopefully, dark brown, rather than blue eggs).

I hear you about the coop building. I've got a deadline to get some young birds moved out of the barn for a party near the end of this month. New bigger coop in progress, but maybe not progressing fast enough. Might be playing "musical pens" in a few weeks to buy some more time.
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Thanks for the tip on wormer and eating eggs, stake and LMP. I would not really trust it either. I put the wazine back when the clerk told me. If I need it I will get it or give them wormwood tea. Do you worm the hens only if they show signs or could you do it now prophylactically?

From what I understand, Wazine is the only wormer that says on the label that it can be used for chickens, but only mentions the withdrawal period for meat birds, not egg layers. Also, I believe that Wazine is for round worms, but not other varieties. I use ivermectin and keep Valbezene on hand. I do not eat the eggs for about a month. I worm 2 Xs, 10 days apart and don't eat the eggs for 2 weeks after the second worming (my choice), I've read that people will eat eggs from chickens that are wormed with ivermectin as they are worming. This is not something I practice. I do not feed the eggs back to the chickens that are being wormed, I don't want to dose them again inadvertently while worming. I feed the eggs back to dogs, pigs, or another pen that is not being wormed.

****LMP I find my Marans start laying around 22-25 weeks, it's a long wait, but worth it. The kids are doing ok, they are showing at the Lebanon Poultry Show and looking forward to it. Grand sons moved out about 2 weeks ago, it's pretty quiet around here.
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I posted this in the free rehoming forum, but I thought it would be a good idea to post it here as well since this thread is specific to PA. I hope no one minds me posting it here. If you do, please just let me know and I'll remove it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need to find new, good homes for part of our flock. We are going to start showing and breeding Call ducks, and those plus the ducks we have now will put us considerably over the limit our township allows on property our size. I posted this on our local Craig's List about three weeks ago and got quite a few responses, but unfortunately none I felt comfortable about. The last guy who called (tonight) was excited because he loves duck...for dinner. I had specifically put in my ad that these are backyard or farm ducks, not meat ducks. I even went so far as to look into buying part of the lots of the neighbors on each side of us, but their lots are already at the minimum size allowed in this subdivision :he Anyway, the ones we need to rehome are: Two Ancona drakes hatched April 7th. Anconas are on the critically endangered list. Three Buff Orpington hens about a year old and great egg layers. Our current ducklings are from these. Buffs are on the threatened list. Four Buff ducklings, three female, one male, hatched August 20th. They don't all have to go to the same home, they just all have to go to a good home. I can't ship them, but I could deliver them if you live within around 20 miles, or meet you half way if you're somewhat farther away than that. Please let me know if you'd like pictures of any of them or if you have any questions. Thanks so much.
I would be happy to take a Buff Hen, I can drive to you, I'm only in Bucks County. Let me know! :)
Anne: Ivermectin treats 9 types of worms while wazine only treats a couple....TSC has the 5mg pour on type....if I'm closer, I could sell you 1/2 my supply and still have way more that you or I would need....
Thanks Stake, I wish you weren't so far away or I would take you up on that.
Yay, the girls are (mostly) laying up in the box now! One did get laid in the run but I expect them to settle down fast. Still the cuddle puddle under the coop. Maybe tomorrow I'll manually place them on the roosts so they know that they are there. Got the coop sign painted. It will actually be hung above the door; I just put it over the window to take the pic.
Love it! Looks great!
I think ivermectin is used for worms in almost every animal including humans.
I have just wormed my birds actually, with Wazine. Round worms seems to be the "worm of choice" ,if you will...when the birds have had anything it has been those. I got the bottle that has to be diluted with gal+ water...easy enough. It has worked very well, they get their drinking water for one day..then, repeat 10 days later..if necessary....hasn't been ... Egg count is down to one-two eggs if we are lucky right now...real bummer..:( .. Birds are molting and broody...crazy....Hen-bree is in "broody-quarantine"...a little hotel just for the egg- insane birds.....:p
I my chickens are the same except for the molting, one broody, one being treated for worms, only 1-2 eggs a day. But my injured girl is still hanging in there!
BEYOND EXCITED! I candled again tonight (can't help myself) and we could see the babies moving around inside the eggs! The ones we could see into anyway. The kids and I thought it was amazing to see :) only about a week left till we see how many hatch :)
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Hey guys, my fox injured chicken is still doing well. Last night was her second nit in the big girl coop. Her wounds have closed so well, although it's hard to see the detail with all of that dirt from the dust bath. :rolleyes: She is still acting slow and has definitely lost weight. Do you guys think this is more a problem of the attack or the roundworms? Thanks in advance!
depends on who you would ask...I only like to do it when the signs are there...had an obvious sign..:sick , it happens & with all the wild birds out there, can be a real problem for some.
But..that being said, I do "worm" them in the fall..regardless. Just like the dogs...(they have had a lot of "whatevers from whoevers" in the yard and you just are never sure, so better safe than sorry.)
It is very rarely an issue during winter, they are only really around each other, so not too many foreign friends.

What is "wormwood" tea?

wormwood is an herb that was basically used for deworming people centuries ago. i am pretty sure that is is also safe for chickens. sis in law has five 6 month Narragansett turkeys. She'd originally planned on keeping them long term or butchering in a month or so. But she's now got to get rid of them and is considering posting them on craigslist for somebody else to butcher in a month or two. Can anybody give us a good starting price to list them for? And would they be better off sold as a group or individually?
Last edited: sis in law has five 6 month Narragansett turkeys. She'd originally planned on keeping them long term or butchering in a month or so. But she's now got to get rid of them and is considering posting them on craigslist for somebody else to butcher in a month or two. Can anybody give us a good starting price to list them for? And would they be better off sold as a group or individually?
I would send a PM to Wingstone... she raises birds for meat purposes so should have about the best handle on expenses/costs/ going rates for birds. She usually checks in most days and a PM will get her attention the quickest.

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