Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

hello all I had to buy my first dozen eggs yesterday in 3 years, my girls are just to cold I guess. to my surprise a dozen of 'free range' brown eggs were 4 dollars a dozen and a 18 pack of white whatever they are eggs was 1.09... I opted for the white to see if the family would figure this out.. I decided to make over easy since scrambled was quit obvious being the color was white as if there was no yolk or something.. before even taking a bite my wife, after breaking the yolk said and I quote 'what are you feeding me'!! I explained the price difference but it didn't help so I bartered with my amish neighbor a dozen eggs for fresh baked bread..
Anyone ever eat a silkie? I am a bit worried about the black skin....

I processed several silkie

that was my issue with the market for silkie,   what they were looking for was a larger silkie that I was having trouble getting around here,,,I had 2 roo and 1 hen of the larger one's, then when I lost my hen I gave up and sent them back to the asian markets

for some reason I had trouble with even crossing these birds, the offspring was always on the smaller side and hard to raise, they would drop for no apparent reason.

can not speak for other places, but here in lancaster county, there's a market for these birds.....(gotta remember also, asians really like to haggle for lower prices, and they are good at it )

The asians never like my prices at the swaps. They want lf roos for $5 or less & bantams & silkies for $3 or less. I'll eat them myself before giving them away like that.

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