Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I did. I brought it to hubby's attention and he said we couldn't have enough chickens and/or rabbits to keep them fed. I dunno. I worry about them getting all the vitamins they need too. They go through a 50 pound bag of food a month give or take a few days. I tried to talk hubby into meat bunnies for us. He doesn't think we can process their cute faces.
I spend $145 every 5 months for 3 dogs (40,40 and 60lbs) on raw. a LOT cheaper than kibble. I was going through 50lb bags a month as well. Look around for co ops, its how i get mine cheap :) as long as you feed meat, bone, and organ you wont need supplements.
I wouldn't know how much to feed them. One is over 100 pounds and the other is about 70 pounds. That's a lot of dogage lol. I just figured out how much I pay in kibble for them a year. If it is 12 bags a year it comes out to $525 for the year. Would it be one rabbit a day for each dog? I don't know if I would be able to keep up the demand of the dogs. I cook them up scrambled eggs when we have the frozen eggs. They love eggs. Bambi (the one in my picture) will eat them raw. I forgot about the eggs in my jacket one day and she ate the pocket out to get the eggs.
I wouldn't know how much to feed them. One is over 100 pounds and the other is about 70 pounds. That's a lot of dogage lol. I just figured out how much I pay in kibble for them a year. If it is 12 bags a year it comes out to $525 for the year. Would it be one rabbit a day for each dog? I don't know if I would be able to keep up the demand of the dogs. I cook them up scrambled eggs when we have the frozen eggs. They love eggs. Bambi (the one in my picture) will eat them raw. I forgot about the eggs in my jacket one day and she ate the pocket out to get the eggs.

there's a few facebook groups on feeding this diet to your dog's. they could better guide you
Hi everyone. Excited to share that we got our first chicks over the weekend. We got a cochin and a welsummer from Pickering Valley and a black sex-link from dheltzel, and all appear to be doing great. The welsummer is about a week old now and the other two are a couple of days younger. I have read that it's important that we handle them frequently when they're young so they become socialized - but whenever we reach in the brooder they scramble away pretty quickly. I assume this is normal for really young chicks - just wondering how long it usually takes for them to get more comfortable with people. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Hi everyone. Excited to share that we got our first chicks over the weekend. We got a cochin and a welsummer from Pickering Valley and a black sex-link from dheltzel, and all appear to be doing great. The welsummer is about a week old now and the other two are a couple of days younger. I have read that it's important that we handle them frequently when they're young so they become socialized - but whenever we reach in the brooder they scramble away pretty quickly. I assume this is normal for really young chicks - just wondering how long it usually takes for them to get more comfortable with people. Any thoughts? Thanks.
take it slow, remember that a chicken is a prey animal and you are a big hand coming down over it....give it time they are doing what instinct tells them to
Hi everyone. Excited to share that we got our first chicks over the weekend. We got a cochin and a welsummer from Pickering Valley and a black sex-link from dheltzel, and all appear to be doing great. The welsummer is about a week old now and the other two are a couple of days younger. I have read that it's important that we handle them frequently when they're young so they become socialized - but whenever we reach in the brooder they scramble away pretty quickly. I assume this is normal for really young chicks - just wondering how long it usually takes for them to get more comfortable with people. Any thoughts? Thanks.
My chicks never liked my hand in the brooder. I would just go in and clean and feed and water and they would always spazz out. As hens, they see me and know food is coming and run to me! They will know your voice and learn you are the good guy with food
Hey all:

Just got my chick fix at PickeringValleyFeed.....they have Delawares...(I think somebody on here was interested)...also picked up a bag of pellets....$6 more than TSC.....Some folks get bread and milk....I get feed....

I actually *just* ordered from Murray McMurray... between the Delaware, dark Cornish, and Cornish roasters I was able to make the shipping min. EeK! 25 chicks coming the week of March 16 and we are going to be out of town Easter weekend (April 2-6). Am I crazy? They'll barely be 3 weeks old... Well have them in the garage with a heat lamp but I'm not sure what we'll do when we're gone. Our neighbor will be feeding the grown chickens and rabbits (who will be outside) while we're gone, will it be too early to move the chicks outside? I'm guessing yes, especially for the slower growing dark Cornish and Delaware... will 25 3-week old chicks all still fit in our baby pool brooder in the garage? We didn't move our layers outside until they were 5 or 6 weeks old and it was August.

Also, since I know there are some rabbit owners here... we kept ours in the garage this winter since their outside area wasn't set up yet. It's not heated, but it is part of the basement and doesn't get down to freezing. Will it be too much of a shock to move them outside on March 16 (to make room for the chicks)? They are in wire cages, not a hutch, but will be up against the side of the house/under the porch and I can put straw in the cages and add a windbreak around porch posts if needed. The doe will hopefully be pregnant if that makes a difference
I did. I brought it to hubby's attention and he said we couldn't have enough chickens and/or rabbits to keep them fed. I dunno. I worry about them getting all the vitamins they need too. They go through a 50 pound bag of food a month give or take a few days. I tried to talk hubby into meat bunnies for us. He doesn't think we can process their cute faces.

We feed our dog leftover chicken carcasses... we roast a chicken every two weeks or so and then it goes in the crock pot to cook down for 2 days (you could also do it in a pressure cooker for an hour and a half but we don't have one). I take off some bone broth for us and then mash up the bones for the dog. I actually mix it with Honest Kitchen dehydrated dog food (base mix), but I only have to buy a box once every 3 months. Our dog is smaller ~28lbs, but we still save a ton over what we were spending on kibble (which destroyed her digestive system and nearly killed her). We also get deer livers and hearts from friends who hunt and we give her any meat leftovers from our dinners.

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