Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Anyone buying a thermostat for a homemade incubator, I highly recommend looking up "STC-1000" on Amazon or Ebay. They are usually around $16 and are FAR better than anything you will find at the home center. The only other inexpensive thermostat I would consider is a wafer type from an incubator supply place, but I bet that actually will cost you more than an STC-1000. Wiring them is easy, I put it in an electrical box outside the cooler and run the wires for the heating element through the drain plug. That saves space inside and prevents any issues with electricity meeting high humidity. I use this on a very large cooler that is my hatcher and it hatches 90 - 100 chicks a week for me, some breeds hatch nearly 100%, so the ones that don't are not likely the fault of the equipment.

Make sure you get one for 110v, they also come in 12v and 220v versions, but you probably want the 110v version.

Here is a link:
Here is a pic of the unit in it's electrical box. Temps are displayed in C, not F, but I use a thermometer inside the cooler to adjust the temp here anyway, so I rarely even look at this display.

Well I was looking for a French Maran Rooster and was able to find a woman in conneaunt lake area who had one, and found a person with some fbm chicks in greenville so I got the last 12 she had, now out of those 12 one expired, and the 11 left are looking like I might have 2 girls out of the bunch....You know the saying ask and you shall recieve....yup gots me lots of roosters now...
GM all:

I candled my bater eggs last night and it looks like everything is going good on Day 10.....I also have a broody on 11eggs, 3 two week olds and 6 five week olds...if anybody has any interest in anything please feel free to PM me

CCLs, Dorkings (most likely blacks), Barred Hollands, Olive eggers, and a handful of mixes that may lay any color

That's awesome! My broody is on day 11 too. Too bad I don't have room for the chicks.

Just found one of my layers dead in the coop :( . Not sure what happened, doesn't look like there was a struggle in there, but I haven't climbed in to get her yet to see if there is an injury. Anything else I should look for to determine why she died if there isn't any obvious trauma? I need to bury her quickly so it isn't too difficult for my 3yo.

Now I'm down to just 3 layers, and only 2 chickens left from the BAs we hatched.

So sorry. :hugs. But don't worry about not having enough chickens. Everyone here will help you with that... :lol:

Well I was looking for a French Maran Rooster and was able to find a woman in conneaunt lake area who had one, and found a person with some fbm chicks in greenville so I got the last 12 she had, now out of those 12 one expired, and the 11 left are looking like I might have 2 girls out of the bunch....You know the saying ask and you shall recieve....yup gots me lots of roosters now...:lau

Wow! Mood thing that's what you needed! :p
Anyone buying a thermostat for a homemade incubator, I highly recommend looking up "STC-1000" on Amazon or Ebay. They are usually around $16 and are FAR better than anything you will find at the home center. The only other inexpensive thermostat I would consider is a wafer type from an incubator supply place, but I bet that actually will cost you more than an STC-1000. Wiring them is easy, I put it in an electrical box outside the cooler and run the wires for the heating element through the drain plug. That saves space inside and prevents any issues with electricity meeting high humidity. I use this on a very large cooler that is my hatcher and it hatches 90 - 100 chicks a week for me, some breeds hatch nearly 100%, so the ones that don't are not likely the fault of the equipment.

Make sure you get one for 110v, they also come in 12v and 220v versions, but you probably want the 110v version.

Here is a link:

I 100℅ agree the digitals are the best! I actually find my wafer to be my most inconsistent, oddly, it should be the water heater one.
Oh, @dheltzel , I candled four of the eggs last night quickly. Looks like there were two duds and two good ones, so hopefully she will get at least four little chickies.

At 11 days it's tough to get an accurate read on Welsummer eggs. I use a super bright LED and I still can't see veins, just a difference in opaqueness that indicates which eggs are developing.

I hope you get a good hatch too, mother hens are so cute with their chicks, and Welsummers are by far the most popular chicks I hatch.
I had time to work on the main coop today. I think it's about ready for occupancy. I have a Sara Lee cheesecake in the freezer, and of course coffee. Now I need feed and scratch. Hmm... Maybe something to eat said feed too.
Hello all!

I have four 8 week old chicks ina dog crate that fits inside my coop outside . I have 3 grown laying hes in the coop also.

The hens thepeck thru the crate.........and circle crate aggressively. When I move them outside to free range a bit........if they younger ones get out a bit.........the big ones really go after them

I am afraid to let them be together in the run...............but I cant keep the younger ones in the dog crate forever. Both groups have been living together in the coop...........separated by the crate..............

do you think they will work this out in the run...........safely

I am thinking about putting some things in the run for the little ones to go to for safety zones yet honestly it seems like more space is better because they are in the most danger when they are cornered or trapped by the big gals...........

I will have at least 2 separate food and water feeders...........

I need help with this..................

I dont want them to hurt each other!

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