Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


This is what happens when I let my poults out of the brooder in the evening to "play" lol. All 6 are sound asleep. Love these silly babies!
I have chiickens. I haaaave chiiiiickens. I HAVE CHICKENS!!!!!
And right before Fisherlady and Radioman came, my landscaper showed up! By the time the enablers (Ohhhh, the things FL was saying!
) left, I thought I had new property! It was amazing!!
No good pictures of the new flock. my i Pod wasn't cooperating.
We really enjoyed the evening MCC, Glad to see the group going to such a good home and knowing we will be able to see updates makes it even better! Remember the offer for hatching eggs is always open. If the young roo doesn't work our we have about 10 more to choose from for another month or so... but I think he will do well for you.
Wow, just caught up from being away for the weekend. My sister's boyfriend asked hubs how many chickens we have now (since the two orps we got from Chiques Chicks were attending the party as well) and I realized that he has no idea how chicken math works! He started listing off all these birds until I jumped in and corrected him, lol. We only have 3 right now because you don't count turkeys, roosters, meat birds, or anything that isn't of laying age. Hubs disagreed... he's proud of all of our birds (and so am I, but I DO wish we had more layers... hopefully we'll have project birds laying before too long).

So we have the two new chickens quarantined in a dog crate for now and I heard a repetitive banging noise coming from outside while I was getting the kids ready for bed... sounding like something rapping on the dog crate. I asked hubs where the flashlight was and he comes out with the flashlight and a shot gun. Open the back door expecting to see a raccoon or something only to be greeted by 4 young turkeys on top of the big chicken coop. It has a plastic corrugated roof and their sliding and clomping around on it was what was making the noise. They usually roost in the bush that's in the new run extension, but it apparently wasn't high enough so they had to go up to the top of the coop roof which is around 9 feet high. Keeping these birds contained is going to be futile, isn't it?

My six new chickens. It just occurred to me that my first flock began with six. I am fortunate to have five girls and a boy this time, instead of five boys and a girl! I just hope they don't multiply as fast this time!
I have chiickens. I haaaave chiiiiickens. I HAVE CHICKENS!!!!!
And right before Fisherlady and Radioman came, my landscaper showed up! By the time the enablers (Ohhhh, the things FL was saying!
) left, I thought I had new property! It was amazing!!
No good pictures of the new flock. my i Pod wasn't cooperating.
This sounds exciting!!!! Congratulations!!! WELCOME to the Hotel California...

Enablers aplenty here.... Like drunks in a divebar.

I ask one little question...dhetzel, offers up a rooster and where to get some eggs... And I who can squeak by with one rooster, and just got him....started deviously devising ways to rent farm space and (hide my addiction) and no one will know. Hey, I am selling all but 4, no wait I need a Leghorn 5. Oh I think I should keep 2 SQ Ameraucanas, and really just 1 Isbar. OOOh and one Barnevelder for the dark egg in the basket.

So I have so got this so under control, you see?

Adding: Anyone want to rent out some farm space?

Oh dear.
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MCC had a flock, sold it, and is back for round two! She is well aware of what she is getting in to, and we welcome her back with open arms!

And she had seen me drunk, just not in a dive bar!
Ha! Awesome! So glad, chickens are really something. That's a whole other way to go. I should take a page from MC's book and clean house and get to a project (why I can't just sit back and enjoy I will never know) I don't think I can do it! I have 4 EE's that I think will outlive me.

So awesome to have likeminded people to work with!

Blessings to your new endeavor Motorcycle Chick!
To those who use light bulbs as heat sources in their incubator:

Has anyone tried halogens since incandescent are getting harder to find?

yes im using them now and there working good,. my thermostat regulates and keeping is at 99, I have (2) 60 watt bulbs just in case one burns out
I originally asked one of the admins her for help and he pointed me here. I do hope I've done this correctly .... An update is below the original post......

Good Morning..... Or at least it was morning when I started writing this as I'm confused on so many levels right now I don't even know where to begin...:). Still I'll try to make this as short as possible. I'm very lost here and can't find where to post for help with this. I've read all the newbie stuff but I still feel very blind here.

Anyway, I came into possession of four little peeps { long story, if you'd like to hear it just let me know but for now I'll just get try to stay on track here...} I figured I could at least give them a good, loving life until I had to take them to a farm when they got older. I had no choice. But Spending time with them I see what wonderful animals they are and I want to find them a home to live out their lives... to not be eaten.. Is this possible or am I just thinking silly ? I know they're not fancy, or very pretty, { except to me } but they're very sweet and really smart. There's three hens, one rooster and they were three weeks old on May 19th. I'm still feeding them baby food and spring water and kinda rationing their food so it won't stress their legs too much as they grow. { Watching videos but just keeping up with the feeding watering exercise and chicken poo is exhausting. }

I'm a bit handicapped from two car accidents 52 years old and live in a one bedroom 2nd floor apartment and it's been a bit rough. My 10 year old chihuahua has been a big help but apparently these peeps are what they call "meat" chickens and grow incredibly fast. It seems they're bigger every morning. We go to the park and to the woods, but they're getting faster, even faster then my chihuahua and time may be running out...And I do hope this doesn't sound as absolutely crazy as I feel writing it... Any advice at all would be appreciated... Thank you sooo much, Gabi Mount Joy Pa .

Update... As of today they are 4 weeks old today. Am I aware I'm repeating myself ? Yes, I am. It's gotten that crazy. I've raised five children and yet I haven't seen this much poo in all my life.... I've put some oats in with the chicken baby feed. They also seem to like Cheerios w/ protein. They're almost all feathers now . I'm working on recent pics but lol....We'll see. They're so fast and definitely not peeps anymore so that's been a bit difficult. My chihuahua is no longer the helping mama but has been added to the "pecking order" as shes apparently developed a taste for the chicken feed which causing constant yet amusing squabbles between them as she tries to nose her way into their food dish. This must sound crazy to all the seasoned chicken owners out there and I can assure you, it has been... but there's also been a lot of love and I'm hoping to be able to find them a loving home before I have to take them to a place where they'll be killed. It may be a silly thought, but I had to try. Thank you all for reading my post and good luck n love to you and your chickens...

p.s. if I get pics ill post them to my profile

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