Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

wow.... someone who turns off the incubator!?!? Didn't think anyone normally did that here!

I wouldn't if I could get away with it. Winter finances forces me to abandon hatching and sell everything I don't need over winter. Between October and January I am usually not hatching.
@GabiGirl Meat birds aren't meant to live long.
They were made to live long enough to be processed at a certain age, around 8 weeks or so. I enjoy raising the meaties and giving them the best lives they can have before processing them for my family. Good luck on your search for a farm for the meaties to live

Thanks.... Everybody here is so supportive and nice. I'm still hoping this works out but if it doesn't I hope I can find a kind person like you to take them...
Hello, my name is Brat, and I am a chickaholic. I began chicken keeping about four years ago...
When RM(newbies, Fisherlady's husband is Radioman. He isn't on here much) said about letting them know if I ended up with two roosters, I figured I would handle it if it happened. As long as the girls were okay, I wouldn't care. Then this morning I had the bright idea that if another turned out to be a rooster, I could just put him in another coop, and get him some girls of his own. I began hoping for another rooster. :th It's started already.

:lol: welcome back. You didn't last very long... :lau
Thanks MC. They are getting nice and plump.
I say the cornish x's look like the linemen and the turkeys look like the running backs. There is a huge difference in the sizes of the 2 of them.

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