Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Well I looked at my chick up close when I closed up the coop tonight. It was attacked, badly.
. It had exposed flesh on its tail, right at the base where the tail feathers start. Poor thing. Brought it in the house to put some peroxide on it, and I see it has puncture marks under each wing. The little thing was scrappy and still putting up a fight to me doctoring it. On one side, the skin had closed but was puffing up, is there anything I can do? I just tried to douse it in peroxide and put it back in the coop. I hope it pulls through. That $&@# cat. I tried knocking on my neighbors door twice, but I don't think she can hear the door.

Chickens have some amazing healing powers, as long as they are still fighting, I give her a very high probability of making a complete recovery.

I haven't had a cat attack on my chicks, but I've had their pen mates pick them very hard and expose flesh. I use bluekote to make it less appealing and put them back in for round 2 and they usually make it.
Well I looked at my chick up close when I closed up the coop tonight. It was attacked, badly.
. It had exposed flesh on its tail, right at the base where the tail feathers start. Poor thing. Brought it in the house to put some peroxide on it, and I see it has puncture marks under each wing. The little thing was scrappy and still putting up a fight to me doctoring it. On one side, the skin had closed but was puffing up, is there anything I can do? I just tried to douse it in peroxide and put it back in the coop. I hope it pulls through. That $&@# cat. I tried knocking on my neighbors door twice, but I don't think she can hear the door.

Oh Anne I'm sorry....The peroxide should help some with the bacteria, maybe some neosporin? I've seen on here where some folks use it, we got something called Blue Lotion, it is an antiseptic wound dressing..We haven't used it yet. Also honey is a good anti-bacterial. Blu-Kote works good for the picking the others may do on it if they see the wounds. They are scrappers for sure..Our Gladys got away from the fox that got the other 3, she got her tail snatched, but no wounds. Good Luck!
That's crazy! :(

I've gotten 0 eggs the past week, only 1 of my girls is laying (the rest are broody, I only have 3 though) and she's hiding them somewhere

thats with about 14 or 15 hens broody too, and some of my hens are around 5 years old, well, about 5, even they're laying hot and heavy
they really like the country feed we feed them

Well I'm glad yours are laying!
1f602.png about a wacky's hoping the rest of the day goes better, missing turkeys come home, little fishes get detoxed, cats find out what happens when you mess with someone's chickens & tomorrow is a better day!!!  :fl

Yay! My Marans chick is still alive! It must have been hiding really well. No if only it would be a pullet! :lol:

Hooray! If it were my chick, I'd do precautionary injectable antibiotics. Cats kill and eats all kinds of nasty things all day that can carry disease, who knows what's under its claws.
I have 16 golden laced wyandottes about 3 months old they have been outside for a while now they have a big run and an old shed for a coop but my problem is that they won't go inside at night I was told I have to show them how to go in and out and that's understandable but every night when I leave for work they all are bedded down in the far corner of the run so I put them all in and close their door let them out when I come home in the morning next night same thing they just won't sleep in the coop they go in and out for food ....I just don't know what to do any help would be appreciated thanks
I have 16 golden laced wyandottes about 3 months old they have been outside for a while now they have a big run and an old shed for a coop but my problem is that they won't go inside at night I was told I have to show them how to go in and out and that's understandable but every night when I leave for work they all are bedded down in the far corner of the run so I put them all in and close their door let them out when I come home in the morning next night same thing they just won't sleep in the coop they go in and out for food ....I just don't know what to do any help would be appreciated thanks

Keep em closed in for about a week straight (unless it gets too hot in there in the daytime, then don't do that) has worked for me. If that's not an option because of heat, I'd say call them in there with the noise you use to call for treats and feed them right before the time they usually should roost, then just close them in there.
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Keep em closed in for about a week straight (unless it gets too hot in there in the daytime, then don't do that) has worked for me. If that's not an option because of heat, I'd say call them in there with the noise you use to call for treats and feed them right before the time they usually should roost, then just close them in there.

I second this chippy.i had the same issue then I did the exact same thing worked like a charm.

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